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The Sugar Act placed a tax on a product coming into the colonies. It was a custom duty, a form of tax used to regulate trade. The colonists always acknowledged Parliament's right to enact custom duties, external taxes. The Stamp Act created a direct tax, an internal tax. It was not intended to regulate trade, but to raise money. It was a direct tax placed on a product and the consumer knew that he/she was paying that tax. The colonists claimed Parliament did not have the right to enact direct taxes because the colonists were not represented in Parliament.

They felt he was untrustworthy because they approved the Declaratory Act the same day.
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They trust in the king still.

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they were happier because they no longer had topay taxrs on day to day things ,sugar, tea, ext;) they were happy that he stoped the stamp act

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piggies eat tree leaves from Jamaica

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Q: After Parliament repealed the stamp act how did colonists feel about the king?
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How did the Britsh feel about the stamp act?

The Stamp Act resulted in the introduction of colonial boycotts of British imported goods which led to the eventual repealing of the tax by British Parliament. The famous slogan 'No Taxation without Representation' stemmed from the introduction of this tax, which many Americans saw to be an invasion of their civil rights as citizens of England. The fact that the tax was repealed showed the American people that it was possible for them to oppose British rule peacefully, and get results. Although this idea of peaceful opposition was largely dropped after the Boston Massacre when the British set the grounds for violent conflict in the colonies.

Why did the colonist feel that parliament had no right to TAX THEM?

The colonists felt Parliament had no right to tax them because they were not able to vote for members of Parliament. This sentiment was expressed with the popular phrase, 'no taxation without representation.'

How did the American colonists feel about the proclamation and why did they feel this way?

The Proclamation of 1763 greatly angered the colonists. They had fought with the British to defeat the French and gained the lands beyond the Appalachians hoping to settle there. The proclamation banned colonial settlement in the area.

Why did British feel they had to tax colonists?

Because it is like a mother and daughter relationship. The British had control over the colonists for a long time. The British did kinda baby them for a while , then British turned. And the colonists was like what is going on; and the British wanted to control the colonists and the colonists had enough so the wanted to rebel. So to answer the question , because the British felt like they were in control because they kinda took the colonists under there wing.

Why didnt the colonists immediately seek independence?

They didn't feel the need. They were loyal to the king and the population in the colonies was small.

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After parliament repealed the stamp act how did the colonists feel about king?

piggies eat tree leaves from Jamaica

How did the Colonists feel about the king after the repealed stamp act?

the felt angery

How did the colonists feel about the king after they had repealed the Stamp Act?

they didnt trust the king as much

How did the colonists feel about the King after Parliament repeal the Stamp Act?

piggies eat tree leaves from Jamaica

What were the reasons for the colonists' response to the Stamp Act?

The colonists did not feel it was fair to pay a tax to Great Britain when they did not have representation in the Parliament of Great Britain. The colonists felt that were being held in bondage to the crown in much the same was as Ireland.

why did colonists feel that the british parliament overstepped its bounds with the stamp act?

The colonists felt that the British government had no right to tax them because there were not any representatives of the colonies in the British Parliament. The colonies had no say in how much the taxes should be or what they should pay for. They didn't think this was fair.

How would you feel about the stamp act if you were a colonist at this time?

The colonists were angered by it.

How did the Britsh feel about the stamp act?

The Stamp Act resulted in the introduction of colonial boycotts of British imported goods which led to the eventual repealing of the tax by British Parliament. The famous slogan 'No Taxation without Representation' stemmed from the introduction of this tax, which many Americans saw to be an invasion of their civil rights as citizens of England. The fact that the tax was repealed showed the American people that it was possible for them to oppose British rule peacefully, and get results. Although this idea of peaceful opposition was largely dropped after the Boston Massacre when the British set the grounds for violent conflict in the colonies.

What were the complaints of the stamp act congress?

the colonists shouldnt have to feel that their freedom was threatened

What were the complaint of the stamp act Congress?

the colonists shouldnt have to feel that their freedom was threatened

Which law first made the colonists feel that the British government was making decisions without their consent?

The Stamp ActThe stamp act

Why did the colonist feel that parliament had no right to TAX THEM?

The colonists felt Parliament had no right to tax them because they were not able to vote for members of Parliament. This sentiment was expressed with the popular phrase, 'no taxation without representation.'