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The Stamp Act resulted in the introduction of colonial boycotts of British imported goods which led to the eventual repealing of the tax by British Parliament. The famous slogan 'No Taxation without Representation' stemmed from the introduction of this tax, which many Americans saw to be an invasion of their civil rights as citizens of England. The fact that the tax was repealed showed the American people that it was possible for them to oppose British rule peacefully, and get results. Although this idea of peaceful opposition was largely dropped after the Boston Massacre when the British set the grounds for violent conflict in the colonies.

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15y ago
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7y ago

The colonists ignored the stamp act and boycotted all British goods until the Parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament. "No taxation without representation!" was their slogan.

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14y ago

They actually imposed it and they were happy with it as it would increase the revenue.

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9y ago

The colonists did not like being taxed at all, especially since they had no representation in Parliament. The Boston Tea Part was an example of protest about taxes.

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13y ago

Americans were very happy when the stamp act was repealed because Americans hated taxes and didn't want to pay them.

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12y ago

They were angry. The Sons of Liberty tarred and feathered the custom officials and burned the stamped paper whenever they could find it.

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12y ago

They protested againt it in many ways untill the british repealed it

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Q: How did the Britsh feel about the stamp act?
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What was the effect of the stamp act in 1775?

the stamp act resulted in the introduction of colonial boycoots of british inportant good which led to the event to a repealing of the tax by britsh

Who was affected by the Navigation act?

The Britsh.

How did the Colonists feel about the king after the repealed stamp act?

the felt angery

How would you feel about the stamp act if you were a colonist at this time?

The colonists were angered by it.

How did the british feel about the stamp act?

Surely, you can do your history homework by yourself.

What were the complaints of the stamp act congress?

the colonists shouldnt have to feel that their freedom was threatened

What were the complaint of the stamp act Congress?

the colonists shouldnt have to feel that their freedom was threatened

Why did the British end the Stamp Act?

The British government took away the stamp act because the Colonists were protesting. The colonists started to destroy lots of things until they found their way. They captured British stamp makers and killed them. The colonists started boycotts against British goods. Then, the British merchants started to complain to king George about how their not going to do business anymore. So, king George took away the stamp act.

Which law first made the colonists feel that the British government was making decisions without their consent?

The Stamp ActThe stamp act

How did the colonists feel about the king after they had repealed the Stamp Act?

they didnt trust the king as much

What was the stamp act and what was taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What was the stamp act. and what things were taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.