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Senate. Every state has two senators, and this can't be changed without a constitutional amendment; and in this special case, it would require UNANIMOUS consent to change the "2 senators per state" rule.

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Q: All state are represented equally in the?
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What is the number of participants for Texas from us senators?

Each and every state has two senators. That way, all the states are represented equally. Each and every state has a certain number of representatives for "so many" people in the state. That way, all the people are represented equally.

How are states represented in the senate?

States are represented equally in the Senate, with each state having two senators. This means that both large and small states have an equal voice in the Senate. This ensures that each state is equally represented in the legislative process.

Senate members per state?

There are 2 Senators per state. (Each state is equally represented).

What agreement was reache'd with the great compromise?

The agreement under the Great Compromise of 1787 was that all states would be equally represented in the Senate and they would be proportionally represented in the House of Representatives. This system still occurs today as each state is represented by two Senators and the numbers of House of Representatives is chosen by the population of the state.

What organ has all members states represented equally?

good question

Why did the framers of the constitution wanted to be sure that every state would be represented?

equally in the Senate by educated senators equally in the House by senators from large states

What agreement was reached with the compromise?

The agreement under the Great Compromise of 1787 was that all states would be equally represented in the Senate and they would be proportionally represented in the House of Representatives. This system still occurs today as each state is represented by two Senators and the numbers of House of Representatives is chosen by the population of the state.

Which organ of the United Nations has all member states represented equally?

i have no clue

In which plan were all states to be represented equally in the legislature?

new jersey plan

What legislative branch where all states are repersented equally?

The Senate has two members from every state so they each represent the states equally. The House of Representatives are based on population, so states with more people have more representation.

Which plan were all states to be represented equally in the legislature?

new jersey plan

What plan said that all states would be equally represented?

The New Jersey Plan