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This did not come about because of any "war", but due to the confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union called the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS. The US agitation over the missiles in Cuba was matched by Soviet agitation over the missiles in Turkey and the Soviets agreed that they would withdraw their weapons from Cuba if the US did similarly in Turkey.

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US President Kennedy did not agree to removing missiles from Turkey due to any war. This act was part of the agreement to end the Cuban missile crisis. The Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba. And as part of the arrangement, the US removed missiles from Turkey.

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Q: As a result of what war does JFK agree to pull American nuclear missiles out of turkey?
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What country did The US placed nuclear missiles in?

I believe it is in turkey and the US was forced to remove them from turkey because they were threatend by Russian nuclear weapons in Cuba

What about the Cuban missile crisis?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

What about the Cuban missile crisis is?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

The US placed nuclear missiles in this country causing Russia to place some in Cuba?


What island did the Soviets place their missiles during the cold war?

Well, for starters, the Soviets wanted to place their missiles in Cuba because of the USA's missiles in Turkey. As a result this became later known as the Cuban Missile Crisis and led ultimately to some reductions in (nuclear) arms by both sides.

What about the Cuban missile crisis is true?

President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis

Why did the soviet union want to place nuclear missiles in cube?

After the Bay of Pigs, Cuba needed protection and turned to the USSR. The USSR agreed to place nuclear missiles in Cuba and buy Cuba's sugar which America stopped buying due to the trade embargo. It wanted to place missiles in Cuba as it was only 90 miles away from American soil and the USA had missiles around 90 miles away in Turkey aimed at the USSR.

Did President Kennedy remove nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve a crisis?

The placement of U.S. nuclear missiles in Turkey is thought to have provoked the Cuban Missile Crisis. Missiles in Turkey were close enough to strike Moscow, so Russia placed armaments in Cuba, which was within striking distance of U.S. soil. The Missile Crisis, began on October 14th 1962. Robert Kennedy said, during negotiations with the Russians that the missiles would be removed within a short time after the crisis ended. The Missile Crisis ended on October 28th of 62 and the missiles were quietly taken out of turkey some time after April 24th 1963.

What are some of the reasons for the Soviet placement of missiles in Cuba?

The Soviets already knew that the US had nuclear missiles in Turkey, placing nuclear missiles in Cuba would simply achieve nuclear parity. Also following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion the leader of Cuba Fidel Castro wanted assurance from the Soviets of their security against future invasion, the Soviets believed that nuclear missiles would provide this security at the least cost.

What was the outcome if the Cuban missile crisis?

Russia withdrew its nuclear missiles from Cuba and America, on the QT, removed outdated missiles from Turkey and did not replace them with new ones. The misnamed Red Phone was installed in the White House and the Kremlin to diffuse any future nuclear escalation.

Why did the US government want to remove soviet missiles in cuba?

For the same reason the USSR government wanted the US missiles in Turkey removed. They were seen as a threat and a provocation. Both the US and USSR got the missiles removed that they wanted removed (but the US wanted to pretend removing the missiles in Turkey had no connection to removing the missiles in Cuba for political reasons, and Khrushchev allowed this).

When Soviet Union withdrew missiles from Cuba and US withdrew missiles from?
