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Q: By the end of the war African Americans were enlisted in every state except?
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Why did African American join the Continental Army?

They wanted to make money, and also become free after they serve their the need for soldiers grew, some states ignored the ban and enlisted African Americans.Rhode Island raised an all-African American regiment in 1778.By the war's end,every state except South Carolina enlisted African Americans tofightHistorians estimate that as many as 5,00 African American joined the patriots.Among them were Lemuel Hayes and Peter Salem, who fought at concord.African Americans fought for the sam reasons as other Americans they belived in the patriot cause or they needed the money.Some soldiers were enslaved africans who had run away from slaveholders.Others fought to earn their freedom

Why African Americans would be scared of the KKK?

They were a cult with one mission: To torture and kill every last African American. Also the KKK treated the African Americans like a roach, and stomped on them every chance they got. They had no mercy.

What was the first institution fully controlled by blacks that took part in almost every element of Southerner black life?

African Americans churches

How many African Americans suffered from substance abuse?

6 in every 4

Why were enslaved African Americans not allowed to enlist in the American Revolution?

You FALSE STATEMENT (provided in the form of a spurious "question") is historically inaccurate! MANY, MANY, MANY of the African-Americans BOTH enlisted and fought in the American Revolution (often with the promise of 'freedom' in return). In fact, the first soldier to die in the American Revolution was an African-American (AA) named Crispus Attucks and U.S. museums are loaded with memorials of AAs who fought valiantly in EVERY war fought either in or by the United States.

What prevented the millions of African Americans from voting in the south?

White people

What were the different ethnicities of those people who often worked on cattle drives?

Just about every ethnicity was involved in cattle drives except Indian (and I'm not referring to Native Americans) and Middle East ethnicities. Many African-Americans were involved in cattle drives as much as Caucasians, Mexicans and Europeans were.

Is it true that Many African nation-states were former colonies?

Yes. Every African nation except Liberia was at one point a European posession.

Why were enslaved African American not allowed enlist in the war?

t You FALSE STATEMENT (provided in the form of a spurious "question") is historically inaccurate! MANY, MANY, MANY of the African-Americans BOTH enlisted and fought in every American war -- from the American Revolution (often with the promise of 'freedom' in return) to the Gulf Wars in the Middle East. In fact, the first soldier to die in the American Revolution was an African-American (AA) named Crispus Attucks and U.S. museums are loaded with memorials of AAs who fought valiantly in EVERY war fought either in or by the United States.

Why do you think African amerians were willing to fight?

African Americans have fought in every war. In WWII, and possibly before, they were not provided with the needed equipment, but they showed up and fought.

Who did the African-Americans fight for during the American Revolution?

They participated as freedmen in just about every battle.

What do black men do all day?

African Americans are exactly the same as everyone else! They do exactly what every other human does