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It has to be passed by both houses of Congress before it can be vetoed by the President. In most cases, Congress may then re-consider the bill and if it is then passed by a 2/3 vote in each house, it will become law.

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Q: Can a bill be passed if it is vetoed?
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What is an example of a vetoed bill passed by the congress?

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When Congress passed the Wade-Davis bill in response to Lincoln's Reconstruction plans the president passed the bill.?

pocket vetoed

When congress passed the Davis bill in response to Lincoln's Reconstruction plans the president the bill?

pocket vetoed

If congress overides a vetoed bill and approves it does the president still have to sign it?

No- he does not have to sign a bill passed over his veto.

What does veto a bill mean?

Only the president may veto a bill and if he does it is not passed, however if the bill can get 2/3 of congress to vote yes to the bill then it may be passed. Usually though if a bill is vetoed it is not passed.

If the President has vetoed a bill the US Constitution provides that the bill will become a law when the bill is?

passed again by two-thirds of both houses of Congress

Has any governor of California ever vetoed a bill that would have legalized same-sex marriage in that state?

Yes. A marriage equality bill was passed by the California legislature, but vetoed by then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger twice. He vetoed the bills on September 29, 2005 and October 12, 2007.

What term describes a bill that is passed by Congress within ten days of the end of its session and that the president leaves unsigned?

That bill has been "pocket-vetoed."

Does the president have to approve all bills from congress?

No. If the bill is vetoed by the President the bill goes back the congress where in order for it to get passed two thirds of congress has to vote for it.

What president vetoed the civil rights bill?

Andrew Johnson vetoed the post-Civil War bill.

The actions of which government body can be vetoed by the president?

Any bills passed by the House of Representatives can be vetoed by the President. The President may veto the entire bill or any part of it.

Where does a state bill go once passed by the house?

It goes to the senate. If there are any differences in the house and senate version they are worked out in committee before the bill goes to the governor.