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The President of the United States chooses all members of the Cabinet. They must, however, be approved by the US Senate.

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Q: Can president select all members of the cabinet?
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Which cabinet department secretary is the closest advisor to the President?

All of the Cabinet departments are considered to be close advisors to the President. Some may say that the Vice President is the closest advisor to the President out of all the members of the Cabinet.

What all can the president appoint?

The president appoints federal judges, ambassadors, cabinet members and various "czars".

How are the cabinet members picked?

The President gets to choose his cabinet members. Currently there are 15, all the heads of different departments (such as the secretary of state or secretary of the treasury.)

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yes the opinion of all cabinet members do determine the course of action because the pregnant lady would be out tanning and the president would ask all cabinet members to determine the course of action the president may take on a particular issue; issue as in pregnant lady tanning

What people belong to the executive branch?

The executive branch of the US government is headed by the President. Below him are the 15 cabinet members who each run their department. There are hundreds of workers , all over the US, in these departments. Many are civil service employees.

During a Cabinet meeting with President Obama where do the Cabinet Members sit?

They all sit around a very large rectangular table.

What is the president's cabinet and what does do?

The president's cabinet consists of all the president's advisors, and the cabinet advises the President.

What is the president and cabinet and what does it do?

The president's cabinet consists of all the president's advisors, and the cabinet advises the President.

Who are the members of executive branch?

The members of the Executive Branch are the President and Vice President. As of 2014, Barack Obama is the President and Joe Biden is the Vice President.

Who must approve all judges cabinet members and ambassadors that the president appoints positions?

The Congress.

Who must approve all judges cabinet members and ambassadors that the president appoints government position?

The Congress.

Who elects secretary of defense?

The Secretary of Defense, like all cabinet members, is appointed by the President, not elected.