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Thomas Jefferson was Secy of State in the George Washington Presidency from (1790-93) went on to become the 2nd VP & the 3rd Pres of the US .Till date 7 Secy of State has become President of the US. James Monroe served twice as Secy of State & once as Secy of War once from (1811-1817) under the 4th Pres and he succeeded Monroe as the 5th President on March 4,1817-1825 for 2 terms.

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13y ago
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15y ago

The Secretary of State would become President in a very rare case that has never yet occurred. S/he would only be president if the President, Vice President, and the President pro tempore of the Senate all died. To see the complete U.S. Presidential Line of Succession, visit: It lists who would become President all the way down 17 positions and explains the history of the line of succession. I highly recommend reading it; it's really interesting!

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13y ago

If some catastrophe incapacitated the president, vice-president, speaker of the House and the president pro temp of the Senate , the secretary of state would become president.

Of course the Secretary of State could later run for president and this has happened.

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11y ago

In the United States presidential line of succession, the Secretary of State is the fourth in line to become the President of the United States, after the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, and the President pro tempore of the Senate. The Secretary of State would become President in the case that all four of the people above him/her become incapacitated, die, resign, or are removed from office (by impeachment and subsequent conviction). The Secretary of State must also be a natural-born citizen of the United States, be at least 35, and have been a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years to assume the position of President.

Of course, a Secretary of State can also run for President and succeed, as former Secretaries of State Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren and James Buchanan did.

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11y ago

Yes, several U.S. Presidents were the U.S. Secretary of State when elected:

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