No, if the President is removed, retires or dies the Vice President will become President. If the Vice President can't fill the office for some reason then next in line is the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
by winning the electoral votes
Yes it is quite possible of a vice president to become president yes yes it is
A person becomes a President of A country when people selected or voted for them to be President or if in a country that is not democratic the military has to pick one to be the President
The president, vice-president and federal judges can be removed from office for committing crimes. First the person must be officially charged with a crime or crimes, this is called impeachment, and then the person must stand trial in the Senate where a conviction requires a 2/3 vote. Members of Congress, however, are not subject to this process.
In accordance with Amendment 25 of the United States Constitution, if the vice president dies, resigns or is otherwise removed, the President of the United States nominates his or her replacement. That person assumes the position of vice president after he or she has been confirmed by a majority vote by both houses of Congress.
The traits a person would need to become a president is loyalty, honesty, and take responsibility. This is all someone needs to become the president.
He must be 35 , same as the president or else he could not become president.
The President submits his choice to be a Supreme Court Justice for approval to the Congress. If the Congress does not vote for approval, (and there have been times when they voted against the President's choices), the person does not become a Supreme Court Justice and the President has to select someone else and have that person voted for by the Congress.
The first person to become president that had a father who was also president was John Quincy Adams. Adams was the sixth president of the United States.
A person become a president after presidential elections.
The fifth person in line to become President is the Secretary of the Treasury; following the Vice President, the Speaker of the House, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the Secretary of State.
The President could be impeached and removed from office after an impeachment trial. After he was removed from office, he could then be prosecuted like any other person.
you have to be born in America to become president
35 is the minimum age for the US president.
There is no legal reason why a gay can not be president.
A person can become president by working hard and going up the ladder of all forms of government.