They have more guns and the will to use them. Other countries have lots of weapons too. The ones that don't have guns probably also lack running water or medicine. Be a big boy and choose a side.
Honestly to tell you the truth i used to have full trust in our government until they started spitting out and stuttering on obvious lies after the Kennedy incident, after they started lying on all that, i lost absolutely every single last bit of trust i had in our government, and i still don't trust then at all, and honestly neither should you.
Think about this for a second, why do we still trust them now?
1. they defend us from invasions
2....... yup thats right there is no second, they say there fighting things like inflation but there not, it they wanted to truly fight inflation they would take there precious money machine and rip out the plug and start paying the debt with there own money from taxes and junk, not just print print print, more, the more they print to pay there debt the lower its value, they way i see it, with in 30 years we will need a tuck full of money just to get a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread, think about it people. our government, is screwing us over no matter how you look at it if you just take the time to actually think.
Speaking of the government screwing us and the post above mine about them having the will to use our guns, well i can tell you this much when martial law decides to rear its head, i wont be afraid to fire upon our own supposed "Protectors", to protect my family from getting dragged to one of supposed "FEMA housing developments" those are prisons for us to die, not small housing communities, think about this for 1 second WHY IN THE HELL DO THEY ALL HAVE BARBED WIRE FACING INWARD? THAT IS DONE TO KEEP PEOPLE IN NOT OUT. Think about that one everyone and i hope you see things a bit differently and start to see things as they truly are.
the national government
in the US, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution
The people give the government its powers. This is one of the foundational principles of the U.S. Constitution:Limited Government: Since the people give government its power, government itself is limited to the power given to it by them. In other words, the US government does not derive its power from itself. It must follow its own laws and it can only act using powers given to it by the people.
There are no REAL reasons why women should not be allowed to join the army. Many people have the reasons such as:Men are strongerWomen can't handle lossThe training is too hardWomen are not physically strong enoughIts a "man's" jobWomen should be looking after the kids at homeAll these reasons are specifically wrong. Though the US government and leading UK government think differently. If they think we can't handle it, why not give us a chance? I understand where they come from, but honestly - let us prove wrong!
You you need to answer this prompt. It requires a written reply from you and not us. We don't do homework.
to protect the people of the U.S., to have other countries help give us more resorces, and solving problems.
The Union was at war and to protect people rights had to be suspended. The confederates had spies and were willing to take over the government. Lincoln had to protect the structure of the government and to do what was needed.
The government represents us.
Governments are often less then candid with the goverened.
== == Please give us a little more information as to why your spouse doesn't trust you. There must be a reason and we would need to know that to give you advice. Thanks == ==
Public trust. Politicians are voted into office. They are picked by us to represent our needs and wishes. If they do something to compromise our trust then we will no longer support them. We expect them to work for us, not us for them. They are a public servant.
they are both countries
Iforever and formost is HOPE to have hope is when u trust god I know I trust god to give me eternal life