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Q: Congress uses this legal instrument to require the appearance of a witness?
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What is a court order requiring the appearance of a witness names by the defendant called?


How do you punctuate more than one witness?

"More than one witness" doesn't require any punctuation.

What is the first instrument named in the Bible?

Which type of instrument are you referring to, musical instrument or tool instrument? If you mean musical instrument, it was David playing a harp. During our first father Adam's 930 years, the bible said that he was witness to the forging of iron and copper.

Does a legally binding oral contract require a witness in Texas?

A witness is not required, but it sure does help! The oral agreement can be inferred from the actions of the parties as well.

What are the top medical malpractice expert witness cases?

Expert witness testimony is essential to most medical malpractice cases. In all cases these malpractise cases require a medical witness and usually the most qualified.

Who pays travel cost when someone gets a subpoena to appear as a witness?

Unless arrangements are made in advance for distance travel the witnesses foot their own expenses, except for the daily witness fee they collect for their appearance.

Can a witness's statement be notarized?

A witness can make written statements of their own recollection and have THEM notarized if they wish, although I am unclear as to what purpose this would serve. A witnesses statement (notarized or not) cannot be substituted for their actual appearance and in-person oral testimony in court. Any oral statements made by a witness to investigating authorities are assumed to be truthful and accurate, and no need exists to notarize the notes that the investigators will take. Witnesses DEPOSITIONS can be notarized, although most depositions are given/taken while under oath anyway.

What is the written paper that orders a person to appear in court?

It is a summons. A similar instrument is a subpoena, which compels an individual to provide evidence or appear as a witness in court.

What is a written paper that orders a person to appear in a court?

It is a summons. A similar instrument is a subpoena, which compels an individual to provide evidence or appear as a witness in court.

When passing medication if you drop a med what do you do with it?

You waste the medication, which means you throw it away and document. Certain medications require a witness.

Is a witness necessary to make a affidavit legal?

Yes, a witness is typically required for an affidavit to be considered legal. The witness must observe the signing of the affidavit by the affiant and sign the document themselves to attest to the proper execution of the affidavit.

Who do you tell you need a interpreter if you were serve with subpoena?

Contact the party or attorney that issued the subpoena to you. If you are state's witness, contact the prosecutor's office. If a private attorney has called you to be a witness for their side, contact that attorney. You are being called to serve as a witness for one side or the other, and that side is responsible for all costs and fees associated with your appearance and testimony.