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This, I believe comes from the Declaration of Independence. A union is a joining together.

At the time of the declaration, the country was not really a country at all, just a bunch of states that might well have become small countries in their own right, as in Europe. Some states were not really interested in joining at all and some states almost immediately wanted to leave this early "union of states." Some of the southern states still do, and there are plenty of people who would be glad if they did.

But, at the time, the idea of forming a powerful "United States of America" by collecting together a fairly unwilling agglomeration of people (usually, especially in those times, to be able to fight wars more efficiently) was a "shaky union" that would be better if were able to become a "more perfect" union. Like most politics, it's really just flowery rhetorical hyperbole that really means nothing in reality.

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The Colonies were to unite as an nation

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"To form a more perfect union" is important because it is the goal of the Constitution. The Union was poorly organized at the time of the constitution.

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To form a more perfect union is part of the preamble that was agreed upon right before writing the constitution. It is the reason for our united states constitution.

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the preamble

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the preamble the preamble

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The preamble of the constitution

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in a perfect world yes, unfortunately not necessarily.

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In the first sentence "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union..."-211 years ago," a reference to the gettysburg address

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The phrase referring to a more perfect union in the Preamble to the United States Constitution is often thought to be referencing to the Articles of Confederation. In this view, the Articles of Confederation are a starting point of sorts for the framework of a new country.