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Q: Describe Jackson inauguration on White House lawn?
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How did Jackson's supporters celebrate his inauguration?

mobbed the White House

Whose inauguration turned into a giant party that almost ruined the White House?

Andrew Jackson's.

Jackson's political opponents viewed his inauguration as vulgar because?

common people took part in the festivities at the White House

Where will this year's inauguration be held at?

the white house

What president had a party on their inauguration they had to be moved from the White House for their safety?

I think you are thinking about Andrew Jackson's first term. So many people crammed into the White House that the president had to leave and spend the night elsewhere.

Why is the inauguration held at the capital of Washington?

white house

What happened at Andrew Jackson's inaugral reception?

Well, during the inauguration, there was the "inaugural brawl" which everyone began to destroy stuff and steal furniture from the white house. I think Jackson had to flee or something because it was a mass. People thought they had the right to steal and destroy things because they were the "common people" and Jackson was the "common hero/man". Some people began to call Jackson the "King Andrew" since he acted like a dictator.

What was the inauguration?

I am not sure what you want to know. The election of 1828 led to the inauguration of Andrew Jackson on March 4, 1829. Jackson was a new type of President, being from the western frontier of the US, from an immigrant family and with no higher education. The actual inauguration was interesting since afterwards, Jackson supporters piled into the White House, did considerable damage and refused to leave at a decent hour. Jackson was forced to flee and find somewhere else to spend the night.

What was the 1828 inauguration?

I am not sure what you want to know. The election of 1828 led to the inauguration of Andrew Jackson on March 4, 1829. Jackson was a new type of President, being from the western frontier of the US, from an immigrant family and with no higher education. The actual inauguration was interesting since afterwards, Jackson supporters piled into the White House, did considerable damage and refused to leave at a decent hour. Jackson was forced to flee and find somewhere else to spend the night.

When do the presidents say their first speech in the White House?

inauguration day

Why was Jackson nicknamed king mob?

During his inauguration he let masses of people inside the White House. The people broke China and furniture. His traditional opponents then called him "King Mob".

When is he going to the White House?

Are you are asking "When is Barrack Obama going to the White House?" If so...he will be sworn in during the inauguration on January 20.