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Q: Describe two proposals Hamilton made to raise money for the new government?
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Two proposals hamilton made to raise money for new government?

He proposed that congress pass a tariff,or tax, on all foreign goods brought into this country.

What can be used to describe money that is earned by government when it levies taxes?


Which of these does not describe representative money?

it only has value because the government says it does

Why did Hamilton create a tariff?

They raised money for the government and encouraged the growth of American industry's.

Who benefited the most from Alexander Hamilton's financial program?

Hamilton's policies were most favorable to the wealthy. this way, the rich would be more willing to give money to the government, and then the government could use that money to help the poor. this way, everyone benifitted=)

What terms can be used to describe money that is earned by government when it levies taxes?


Which term can be used to describe money that is earned by government when it levies taxes?


What was the National Bank?

The bank that Thomas Hamilton wanted to have created so that the federal government can deposit money raised from taxes.

What is the meaning behind the term Fiat money?

Fiat money is the term used to describe money that has it's value determined by the law or government. This means that most currencies are fiat money as most currencies are government issued.

How would you describe tax law?

Tax law requires the payment of money to the government; there is no choice.

What was the economic problem for Alexander Hamilton and the new government?

The biggest economic problem for Alexander Hamilton and his new government was recovering from the 54 million dollar federal debt arising from the Revolution. The states owed another 25 million. Confederate paper money was worthless.

Is Alexander Hamilton a federlist?

Yes, Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. This meant that he was in favor of a strong federal government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Government had little power over the states, something that was a big problem. Hamilton favored a new document to govern the country, and therefore supported the ratification of the Constitution. Under the Constitution, the Federal government would have the power to issue money, and regulate trade and taxes.