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Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Human nature. Being some of the more affluent & powerful people of their time, they often didn't trust each other. The government they crafted was a collection of compromises between those who wanted it all, and those who knew they shouldn't have it. The checks & balances they established have been upset in recent years. You could probably light up the eastern seaboard with the power created by the latter group spinning in their graves. They trusted us to maintain the status quo.

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Q: Did the founding fathers have a reason to be distrutful of government?
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Did the founding fathers go to school?

The founding fathers were educated between the years 1776 to 1787. They had a firm view aboutÊthe focus on education.Ê

Which is the BEST explanation for the reason our Founding Fathers built a system of checks and balances into our government?

Multiple-choice questions only work when given the list of possible answers.

Who would be considered the smartest founding fathers and why?

Thomas Paine. "The Age of Reason" Thomas Jefferson and Franklin also deserve to be mentioned I suppose

What was Rodger Williams reason for founding providence?

so they can grow crops and eat there home meals

Why was the First Amendment important for the Founding Fathers?

Christine,What they meant by that term was, quite literally, the freedom to speak, to stand up, in public, and express your ideas orally so that others could hear them. They did not mean artworks, or striptease dances or any of the other things that modern courts have read into that simple phrase.Michael MontagneAnswerI would add to the previous answer that the founding father's had (legally) been prevented from speaking out against the King and his rulings. The freedom of speech concept, I believe, was specifically developed to protect speech and ideas which were critical of the government and its policies. In other words, it protected the right of the war protesters during the Vietnam era to publicly oppose the war. I agree that the freedom of speech amendment was not designed to protect pornographers. It is a protection of political rights not a protection of smut. AnswerYou are both missing one very important point. Offensive expression is exactly what needs protecting! It is the only speech that needs protection. No one is complaining about non-offensive speech. If you are going to allow censorship of any form then you have to give the government the ability to decide what they feel is offensive. How easy is that power abused? This abuse by the government is exactly what the founding fathers want to prevent by freedom of speech. How long before some forms of religious or political speech would becomed offensive and censored? You also have to realize that by living in a free society you are going to be exposed to things and people that may be offensive to you. The point is that everyone has different ideas about what is offensive. Do you honestly want to give someone else the power to decide what is acceptible for you? If you don't like something then don't listen to it or buy it - don't tell me what I can or cannot do. I thought 1984 had come and gone and we were lucky enough to have avoided having Big Brother control us. AnswerDid the founding fathers also believe that freedom of speech should protect discourse that emboldens enemies of the state during times of war? Answeri think that the founding fathers never intended people to abuse their right to express them selves. Answeri think that the founding fathers intended the words freedom of speech to be exactly what they mean but not for people to abuse the way they use that freedom becuase over time people began to use foul language that even children today are using people in america have the right to say what they want no matter what it is.

Related questions

Did the founding fathers go to school?

The founding fathers were educated between the years 1776 to 1787. They had a firm view aboutÊthe focus on education.Ê

Which is the BEST explanation for the reason our Founding Fathers built a system of checks and balances into our government?

Multiple-choice questions only work when given the list of possible answers.

How have the founding fathers might have been influenced by the Iroquois Constitution?

what was the reason why the founding father might have been influceed by the iroquois constitution.

Why did the founding fathers rule that congress cannot give title of nobility?

The reason the founding fathers prohibited the title of nobility is a replusion for the English monarchy. Remember, they had just successfully became independent from England and King George was not exactly a celebrity.

Who would be considered the smartest founding fathers and why?

Thomas Paine. "The Age of Reason" Thomas Jefferson and Franklin also deserve to be mentioned I suppose

Why did the founding fathers meet in philadelphia?

The reason the founding fathers chose Philadelphia as the location for the constitution convention was because it was right in the middle of the original colonies and it was the most convenient place for it to take place.

Why did the founders refer to gun ownership for hunting and sport very rarely?

if you mean the founding fathers it is because that wasn't the reason for gun ownership. they wrote the second amendment, giving freedom to own guns, because they wanted people to be able to defend themselves from the government.

Why Were The Founding Fathers Suspicious Of Strong Central Government?

Who wouldn't be? :) When the founders wrote the constitution, much of it was a direct reflection of abuses by the British, which showed them how damaging a strong central government could be to personal liberty. They had a different (and might I say Superior) plan on how to set up enough of a government to maintain a nation. WIth many reasons why the Founding Fathers were suspicious of a strong centralized government, the most concern was the depletion of individual freedom. Powers wouldn't be separated in a strong central government. An elite group would be formed and they would possibly use their government positions for selfish reasons. Not all were. Alexander Hamilton is probably the best-known among the Founding Fathers for wanting to establish a powerful, centralized federal government. Having not been born in the U.S., he failed to understand the allegiances people held to their home states -- his allegiance was with the union as a whole. But most of the Founders were wary of a powerful government, for the very reason that they had just fought off a powerful government in Britain and were determined not to have the same thing happen here, as they set out to establish a new, representative government of their own.

All the bills raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives the main reason writers of the constitution include this provision was to?

Ahh, finally, an actually educated answer. The main reason writers of the constitution include this provision was to spread power so it is not one, very strong central government. The founding fathers did not want to be like England.

What was the purpouse of freedom of speech?

The reason it was incorporated into the U.S Constitution was so citizens may express their political opinions without being silenced by the government. England made it a point to silence the opinions that opposed the government's, which made the colonists feel as if they were not represented by the English government. The founding fathers wanted to make sure that all Americans could have their opinions heard, so they created the First Amendment.

What was thomas's reason for founding?


How did deism affect colonial America?

Deism had a significant influence on colonial America. Many of the Founding Fathers were deists, which shaped their views on government and individual rights. Deism emphasized reason and natural law, leading to a belief in the importance of religious freedom, separation of church and state, and the idea that government exists to protect the rights of individuals. Deism also challenged traditional religious authority, leading to a more critical and rational approach to religion among some colonists.