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Yes they did. They wanted to get more representation in government for citizens, and to cut back corruption as well as the power of political bosses. Eventually the Secret Ballot, Direct Primary, Initiative, Referendum, Recall, 17th amendment and women's suffrage were passed (not all at once obviously)

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Q: Did the progressives want to end political corruption?
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What is progressives and what ways in was it a forward looking movement and what ways was it a backward looking movement?

The progressives were (and are) always looking to progress further from the current state of living, economics, and such in a country. The progressives are responsible for actions such as labor unions, increasing minimum wage, and laws that influence the social aspect of a community. They often claim to be working for the common good, the good of the people. The progressive movement seems to be a forward movement because it seeks to positively enhance living standards. Such as taking away the vending machines in a school to battle child obesity. It seems like a good end goal, but that is exactly the progressive state of mind-the ends justify the means. They often distract the public eye from the means with golden vision of the end goal. The progressive movement is ultimately moves in a backward motion because it limits the "failing" aspect of success. Nobody seeks to fail, but failure is an important part of growing and developing. Progressives want to lighten the burden of the people but in the end, make it impossible for the people to carry any kind of load at all.

What political compromise signaled the end of reconstruction?

Tilden-Hayes Compromise

How did corruption in the federal government during Grant's administration help cause the end of reconstruction?

The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.

George Washington stated in his farewell address that political parties caused?

George Washington felt that political parties were dangerous for the country. He explained in his farewell speech that political parties could cause people to end up being more loyal to the party than to the nation.

The end of reconstruction was the result of a back room political deal that gave wich republican a presidential victory in 1876?

b. Hayes

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What was the goal of the Progressives in the early twentieth century?

They worked to create rooftop gardens in urban areas. They worked to end corruption in politics by making the political process more democratic. They worked to create rooftop gardens in urban areas. They worked to end corruption in politics by making the political process more democratic. They worked to create rooftop gardens in urban areas. They worked to end corruption in politics by making the political process more democratic. They worked to create rooftop gardens in urban areas. They worked to end corruption in politics by making the political process more democratic. They worked to create rooftop gardens in urban areas. They worked to end corruption in politics by making the political process more democratic. Progressives worked to end corruption in politics by making the political process more democratic.

What is one of the political reforms that progressive leaders advocate?

They wanted to end the political corruption that existed in many cities.

What of these was a goal of progressive reformers?

direct election of senators

How does a Political Office Holder End Corruption once-and-for-all?

Unfortunately it probably is not possible. Corruption has been a problem throughout human history as people are inherently corruptible.

What was the main goal of progressive reformers?

An end to poverty.

If you were the prime minister of India?

I would like to educate the children in the rural areas for the progress of our country because by their education they shall develop rural industries and be swadeshi and nationalists. I would end political corruption to make India corruption free.

When will the corruption in India end?


How does corruption hurt countries?

Corruption undermines trust in government institutions, weakens the rule of law, distorts the allocation of resources, and hinders economic development. It can lead to inefficiency, inequality, and social unrest, ultimately damaging a country's political stability and reputation on the global stage.

Which reform was part of the Progressive movement?

The progressive movement brought about a reform in the election of US senators. The reform provided for the direct election of senators into the legislature.

What reformed or put an end to political machines?

more poeple got education and more people realized the corruption of political machines

What did Eisenhower promise to get elected?

He would visit Korea and end the war there.

What were the major goals of progressive reformers?

While not all progressives supported all progressive reforms, the basic objectives of the movement included the following: Destruction of the monopolistic power of the major corporations and banks in America. More representative government at all political levels in local, state, and national government. An active government that would take the initiative in reform. The right of labor to organize and secure a decent salary and safe working conditions. More economic and political rights for women. Regulation of child labor. The direct election of United States Senators. A graduated income tax that would fall hardest on the wealthy and least on the poor. Enactment of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Reform of city government Nationalization of railroads and banks. Government owned and operated local utilities. Consumer protection laws to prevent the sale of unsafe food and drugs.