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The US Constitution was not written at the Second Continental Congress, but rather the Constitutional Convention. It was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788. The Second Continental Congress adopted the United States Declaration of Independence.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

Yes. They sent the olive branch petition to King george the third. It was called the olive branch petion new peace. This is because in the Christian religion, the main religion of America and England, on Noah's ark a dove brought an olive branch to the ark to symbolize that the great flood, or in our case the massive turmoil of the unofficial battles betwen Britain and America, were over. King George III sent the leter back unopened. The Continental Congress epected this, they were just hoping that it didn't happen. They then came together in May, after the leter came back, to write the Declaration of Independence.

Jake Laughlin

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Q: Did the second continental congress write the constitution?
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What did the first continental congress write?

The Second Continental Congress produced the Declaration of Independence.

Why did the representatives to the Second Continental Congress decide to write the Declaration of Independence?

The representatives to the Second Continental Congress decided to write the Declaration of Independence because they knew that they would never receive fair representation under the reign of King George III. Therefore, they decided to break away from England and establish America as it's own country.

Why did Washington write to the Continental Congress?

George Washington wanted to publicize issues about war and other problems.

What did the second contenental congress accomplish?

The members of the Second Continental Congress were a less cautious bunch than the delegates to the First CC. Militants had taken many of the conservative places. Fighting had started and the Second Continental Congress agreed to appoint George Washington as commander of the colonial troops around Boston. He would become Commander of all the continental forces. Not yet ready to declare independence, they issued a "Declaration of the Cause and Necessity of Taking up Arms" in 1775. By June, it appeared that independence was gaining popularity and Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced the resolution for independence from Great Britain. The Congress appointed a committee to form the Declaration of Independence, with most of the work done by Thomas Jefferson. The Congress then adopted the Declaration, acted as the government for the colonies during the war, raised an army and navy, approved the creation of the Articles of Confederation, and negotiated the peace with Great Britain

The major objective of the Annapolis convention?

(A) determine how the states should be represented in congress. I am doing that HW sheet now XD

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During what meeting did the delegates each state write a constitution?

Second Continental Congress

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To establish a government, write the bill of rights and the constitution. Vote on the constitution and form a country.

Who directed Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress

Who asked Thomas Jefferson to write declaration of independence?

the second continental congress

What did the first continental congress write?

The Second Continental Congress produced the Declaration of Independence.

What political faction dominated the second continental congress and what was their main purpose?

Patriots dominated the Second Continental Congress.

Who was the most responsible for the declaration of independance?

Thomas Jefferson was assigned to write a rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, but he was not the most responsible. The Second Continental Congress was.

What did the second continental congress write to declare the colonies' freedom from great britain?

The Second Continental Congress wrote the Declaration of Independence to declare the colonies freedom from Great Britain. The document was signed on July 4, 1776.