No, not generally. And "hate" is not usually the emotion they feel -- it is "fear" more often than not, fear of those who are different or who speak a different language. This is not new. Throughout history, there have been politicians and members of the public who expressed negative views about certain groups, usually whichever the largest and newest ethnic immigrant group might be. For example, in the mid-to-late 1800s in the United States, there were negative views expressed about Chinese immigrants and also about Irish and Italian immigrants. But eventually, attitudes changed, especially as these new groups adapted to America and people got to know them better.
In the case of Mexican immigrants (and others from Spanish-speaking countries), we can now see similar attitudes, as certain politicians and citizens use stereotypes, accusing Mexican immigrants of causing problems, increasing the crime rate, etc. But while there may indeed be criminals and gang members who are from Mexico, the truth is that there are also college professors, police officers and scientists who are Mexican. And as we saw with the newcomers of the 1800s, there will undoubtedly be greater and wider acceptance of Mexican-Americans as time passes.
People who hate the world and Satan.
The majority is white people right now but in a few years blacks and Mexicans will be the majority while white people will be the minority!
I don't hat April 15th so i don't know why other people hate April 15th.!!!!!
Racism or Prejudice. It's the same for a black person to hate white people. it's all racism and is flawed by generalising that people of a certain skin colour are all the same. It's not true but it's an easy and simple way to think.
Because the Mexicans had already gotten (stolen from the Indians) the land that the Americans were now stealing from the Mexicans.
I am Mexican and i think black people are cool. I had NEVER seen a Mexican that hates a black person unless that person picks on them.BUt most Mexicans don't hate black people.
some few do like black people
In general the KKK hate black Mexicans, some KKK members are okay with white Mexicans. So overall the KKK do hate Mexicans.
Mexicans do not hate white people! However, due to Mexico's problematic history with the US (i.e. the Mexican-US War in which Mexicans lost half their territory to the US) and other foreign invasions in the nineteenth century (i.e. France, Spain), Mexicans tend to be suspicious and guarded about "white people" and their intentions in their country.
We don't hate Polish People. Almost all Mexicans are Nice people. we like alost every person in the Earth Some Mexican people Hate Yankees(Because of the Land that they took in 1848), Central Americans(Some are Racist against us), Argentinians (For Stupid Reasons) Spaniard (Because they was Coilonizers) Very Few Mexicans hate Chinese (They are cruel with Animals, and we love Animals) South Americans (The latin American people hate each other for stupid reasons) and maybe France (because they Invade us like a lot of times) But we why should hate Poland? we like their Girls and some Mexicans even like the Polish Culture. Many Mexicans like Germany and Russia (Historical Enemies of Poland, I think), but we could never hate a country that had no harm us. Don't worry, Mexicans have a Positive Stereotype of Poland, maybe because of Pope Paul II.
Some racists are still out there.
where did you hear that miley cyrus aka hannah montana hate mexicans my answer is you are wrong
some ppl hate him bcuz he bruned the Mexican flag and dat means he hate Mexicans and also for his songs
Mexicans who are racist very likely do, but not all Mexicans hate Caucasians. In fact, roughly 10-20% of Mexico's population is of European descent.
well not necessarilly but sometimes they get on my nerves but that's no reason to hate themregardless of their race , religion or ethinicity , people are all people just the same, so everyone has their flaws, regardless of ethnicity , (not just Mexicans). you should really consider changing your perspective there. and , you should not hate anyone in the first place.