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Q: Do the sons of America set up liberty poles to defy the british?
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What does Black argue students all over the nation will do in response to the Court's decision?

Defy their teachers in every way

In the dissent black argues that after the courts decision students everywhere will?

answer the dayum question

How did the british react to the committees of correspondence?

The committees were among the first groups to represent a unified colonial government, rather than the separate assemblies that operated under British rule. The colonies realized that successful responses to British actions were made easier by cooperative efforts.

Why did Americans founders fear a standing army and frequent wars?

The Framers of the Constitution, and Americans in generally, feared a standing army because the lesson of history up to that point taught that the formation and use of a standing army marked an inevitable march toward tyranny. In those days, the military was not civilian-ruled, and even it was, in most countries the army (through force and arms) could easily disobey and conquer any political or civilian force. Even in America, General Washington's army sought to defy the Continental Congress and make Washington king, so as to get their wages and provisions, which the Congress was denying them. Washington refused to crowm, understanding that the army must be subservient to the Congress. Washington even bowed before Congress when he relinqueshed his office. In addition to seemingly inevitable military coups, Americans feared standing armies because they were unquestionably loyal to the federal government and would easily trounce over the right of individuals residing in whatever state. The Constitution deliberately made the federal government one of limited and unenumerated powers. Many checks on the federal government prevented it from passing unwanted or tyrannical laws of individuals. Grand juries could refuse to indict, juries could acquit, judges could dismiss cases or utilize habeas corpus, etc. All of these mechanisms preserved the power of The People against federal tyranny. But all of these mechanisms would be altogether useless if a standing army - one funded and controlled by the federal governemnt - could simple march into a state and local town and force the citizens to obey whatever law the federal governenment (whether or not Constitutional) passed. Also, the army could enforce it own arbitrary laws or will over The People. In order to prevent this form of tyranny, the Framers limited the funding and existence of a Standing Army, and ensured the existence of State militias made up by the local armed people (the Second Amendment).

What did crispus attucks accomplish?

Best Answer - Chosen by VotersCrispus Attucks (1723 -- March 5, 1770) was one of the first of five people killed in the Boston Massacre in Boston, Massachusetts. He has been frequently named as the first martyr of the American Revolution and is the only person killed in the Boston Massacre whose name is commonly remembered. He remains an important and inspirational figure in American history. Little is known for certain about Attucks other than that he was killed in the Boston Massacre. Fragmentary evidence suggests that he may have been a "mulatto" with African and Native American ancestry. In the early 1800s, as the Abolitionist movement gained momentum in Boston, Attucks was lauded as an example of a black American who played a heroic role in the history of the United States. Because Crispus Attucks may also have had Wampanoag Indian ancestors, his story also holds special significance for many Native Americans.Attucks has often been praised in writing meant to inspire Americans to work towards the ideals of freedom and racial equality. In 1858, Boston-area Abolitionists established "Crispus Attucks Day." In 1888, a monument honoring him was erected on Boston Common.In the poetry of John Boyle O'Reilly Attucks was described as "leader and voice that day; The first to defy, and the first to die...riot or revolution, or mob or crowd as you may, such deaths have been seeds of nations." Martin Luther King, Jr., referred to Crispus Attucks in the introduction of Why We Can't Wait (1964) as an example of a man whose contribution to history, though much-overlooked by standard histories, could be revered as a source of moral courage.One author wrote this appraisal of Attucks's significance:He is one of the most important figures in African-American history, not for what he did for his own race but for what he did for all oppressed people everywhere. He is a reminder that the African-American heritage is not only African but American and it is a heritage that begins with the beginning of America.I hoped this helped, it's all I can remember.

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