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Yes. They have a book of names and when you vote they look it up and you sign in. If you could vote at any polling station the book would be so big that no one could use it. You can always vote with an absentee ballot.

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Q: Do you have to vote in your precinct?
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Related questions

What allows a person to vote without going to precinct to vote?

absentee ballot

Can Voters can cast their ballot at any precinct in their county of residence?

No. You must vote in the district or ward in which you are registered.

What allows a person to vote without going to a precinct to vote?

Absentee ballots allow someone to vote who is unable to physically go to the precinct in which they are registered. Elderly people and college students often use absentee ballots.

If you are out of town can you still vote?

You can only vote early before you go out of town. You must be in your town on election day or in your precinct to be able to vote.

Is where voters who live in a particular precinct actually where they go to vote?

Yes. The polling place is located somewhere in the precinct, usually a school, church or other public building.

A district in which all voters report to the same polling place is called a?


What is the different between a precinct and polling place?

A precinct is a geographic political subdivision. A polling place, on the other hand, is simply a place where voters can go to vote. A polling place may be in a school, a community center, and so on.

Where do you vote for a general election?

In the United States, registered voters are assigned to voting precincts based on where they live. Call your local Board of Elections to learn which precinct you live in and where you go to vote.

What is electorate precinct?

an electorate is a whole body of electors. electorate can also refer to as a constituency, the group of people entitled to vote in an election.

Why are citizens registered to vote?

Citizens must register to vote to insure those that are voting are legally allowed to do so in the respective precinct. Voter registration helps to prevent voter fraud and keeps people from casting more than one vote.

Where is precinct 3063?

were is precinct 3063

What is a sentence for precinct?

Every citizen has a designated precinct where they can cast their vote during elections.