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no, it does not have a strong central government

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Q: Does a confederation system have a strong central government?
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Does the confederation system have a strong central government?

No. The confederation created by Articles of Confederation was designed to have a weak central government and a strong state government.

Under a confederate system of government where is the power located?

Under a confederate system of government much of the power is located in the individual states. The lack of a strong system of central government caused the Articles of Confederation for fail in the United States.

What did the fear of a strong central government lead to the adoption of?

It was for the adoption of the checks and balance system

What system of government gives the local governments more power than the central government?

because local government is having less responsibility and so they can easily handle everything and central government is having a lot of responsibility so they cannot handle thing very easily this is the reason tha system of government has given local government more right than the central government

What is the most serious problem that the new national government faced in 1789?

The most serious problem that the new national government faced in 1789 was the lack of a strong central authority and the need to establish its legitimacy. The Articles of Confederation had created a weak central government that lacked the power to enforce laws or collect taxes, leading to economic instability and difficulty in governing the states. The new government had to assert its authority and build a strong foundation for the nation.

Related questions

Does the confederation system have a strong central government?

No. The confederation created by Articles of Confederation was designed to have a weak central government and a strong state government.

Does a confederation system as a strong central government?


Why did the Articles of Confederation fail as a system of government?

The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of 13 independent states with a weak central government instead of creating one united nation with a strong central government like the constitution.

Under a confederate system of government where is power located?

Under a confederate system of government much of the power is located in the individual states. The lack of a strong system of central government caused the Articles of Confederation for fail in the United States.

Does a confederation system have a strong central gov?

No, and that is the whole point of a confederation. Individual or states rights & autonomy are preserved and or served by a "confederation".

What countries are a confederation?

Switzerland is an example of a country that has a confederation system of government, with power shared between the central government and its cantonal governments.

What do you call the system of government is divided between central and state?

federation or confederation

What kind of system are the Articles of Confederation in?

The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to the central government.

What articles of confederation united all states under one strong federal governent is thos true or false?

False. The Articles failed precisely because the system lacked a strong central government.

What dose federal system mean?

Federal system of WHAT?

Did the articles of confederation provide a strong system of checks and balances for the federal government?

No. That's why they wrote the constitution.

A political system that divides power between a central government with authority over the whole nation and a series of state governments?

Federation. Or Confederation.