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The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of 13 independent states with a weak central government instead of creating one united nation with a strong central government like the constitution.

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The Articles of Confederation failed because they were way too weak to enforce.

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no central government, states had to much power.

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because they had big penises

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Q: Why did the Articles of Confederation fail as a system of government?
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How did the Articles of Confederation fail and how did the founding fathers organize the new government the way they did?

The Articles of Confederation failed because it did not have the power to deal with an economic crisis. The Articles of Convention failed, because the colonistas disagreed with them.

Why did the founders replace the articles of confederation?

The US did not have an actual national government under the Articles, which retained the sovereignty of the states and required them to cooperate in practically every aspect. This was always difficult and sometimes impossible. There was no executive except the President of Congress, no standing military, and no unified system of courts. The framers decided that the nation needed a stronger unifying force, and the weaknesses of the Articles had already vexed them for more than 7 years.

How do you figure out why the heater and blower work but the ac and defroster do not?

The HVAC doors that control the airflow are activated by small vacuum motors. The system is designed to fail safe; this means that the system will fail in full defrost mode. So, knowing this and the fact that you have heater but no A/C or defrost you should assume the system has a failed control head (the part that you select functions with with button or lever). Or the doors are stuck due to an warped duct system (usually high heat related).

What does a p1507 code mean on your 99 Subaru?

P1507: Idle Control System Malfunction(Fail Safe). As per Subaru Trouble Code Info.

What happens if the papillary muscles fail to contract?

If the papillary muscles fail to contract the valves will prolapse. The papillary muscles are located in the ventricles and contract to prevent prolapse.

Related questions

Under a confederate system of government where is power located?

Under a confederate system of government much of the power is located in the individual states. The lack of a strong system of central government caused the Articles of Confederation for fail in the United States.

What did the Articles of Confederation fail to do?

The Articles of Confederation sought to create the states independence but it had many problems. One such problem was there was no court system and Congress did not have the power to tax.

How did the Articles of Confederation fail and how did the founding fathers organize the new government the way they did?

The Articles of Confederation failed because it did not have the power to deal with an economic crisis. The Articles of Convention failed, because the colonistas disagreed with them.

What were the Articles of Confederation and why did the fail?

read your textbook :)

How did the Articles of Confederation fail to implement the ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence?

by the weaknesses of the articles of confederation

Why did the articles of confedetation fail?

The Articles of Confederation failed because the government had no way to collect taxes to keep itself running under it's legislature.

What does the original US Constitution fail to do?

articles of confederation

Why did the articles of confederation fail to provide for an executive and judicial branch of government?

LOL! i had this same question for homework. shame :P

Under a confederate system of government where is the power located?

Under a confederate system of government much of the power is located in the individual states. The lack of a strong system of central government caused the Articles of Confederation for fail in the United States.

What was the first constitution in the United states to fail?

Th e articles of confederation.

Why did the con federal system fail?

The Articles of Confederation failed because they did not give Congress and the national government enough power. The new United States just fought a war to end what they considered tyrannical rule of a strong government that overpowered local government and the leaders of the U.S. feared a powerful central government.

What did the Articles of Confederation fail?

To much power was left to the states and enouugh power was left to congress