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Q: Does executive branch have two houses?
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What are the two house of the executive branch?

The Executive Branch does not have houses, except maybe the White House. It is the Legislative Branch (US Congress) that has two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What are the two major divisions of the executive branch?

The Executive Branch does not have houses, except maybe the White House. It is the Legislative Branch (US Congress) that has two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Does the executive branch chooses the leaders of both houses of Congress?

No, these houses (Legislative Branch) choose their own leaders.

How many houses make the executive branch?


What branch can veto or reject a law made by another branch?

the executive branch can veto law made by the legislative branch, but the law can still be passed by a two-thirds majority vote by both houses in the legislative branch.

What is a legislative that is divided into two houses or parts?

In the United States there are three branches of Federal government. They are the Executive branch, Supreme Court and the legislative branch. This branch has two bodies, one is the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What are two apartments that work with the executive branch?

The Executive Office of the President and the Cabinet & executive department are the two departments that work with executive branch.

What branch is checked when vetoing bills?

The legislative branch's power is being checked when the executive vetoes bills. The veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses.

What are the three arms of government and theirfunction?

The Legislative Branch to make the laws. Congress is made up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Executive Branch to enforce the laws. The Judicial Branch interprets the laws.

Who is the executive branch of the US and how is it different from Canada?

the president (government) is the executive branch and the difference is the independance of the legislative branch from executive branch (in Canada the leaders of the legislative branch are the leaders of the executive branch so there is confusion between the two branches)

Who are the representative of an executive branch?

The executive branch of the United States government consists of the President. The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court, while the legislative branch encompasses both houses of Congress (the Senate and the House of Representatives).

How are the executive branch and the judicial connected?

The two branches are connected because the executive branch sends laws to the judicial branch