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No, the Declaration says that government derives its power directly from the people.

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Q: Does the declaration of independence derive its power away from the people?
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Where does the declaration of independence say governments get their power?

The government gets its power to govern as enumerated in the declaration of independence from the constitution.

What document states that only the people have the power to govern?

i believe that it was the Declaration of Independence

According to the declaration of Independence where does a government power come from?

The people.

Where does governments power come from according to Declaration of Independence?

The people.

What rights does the declaration of independence elaborate on?

The Declaration of Independence elaborates on the natural rights of individuals. These include the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also clarifies that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed and have a duty to protect these rights.

Which document states that only the people have the power to govern who wrote it?

Decleration of Independence.

According to the Declaration of Independence where does the government get its power?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.

According to the Declaration of Independence a government obtains its power to rule from...?

The government gets it power from the people.

The Declaration of Independence contributed to the development of democracy in that?

suggested that people are the source of power

Where does the government get its power according to the declaration of independence?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.

According to the declaration of independence where does government's power come from?

The people.

How was the declaration of independence a response to tryanny and the abuse of power?

All people are equal.