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The amendment process is very difficult and time consuming: A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states.

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12y ago

A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states.

Do you go to connections? if ya do it is on page 221

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9y ago

The formal amendment process is very difficult because the law of the land overrides all the state and Federal Laws. The judiciary is tasked with determining whether a given amendment is legal constitutionally.

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14y ago

It takes a long time because they want to make it hard to make up a new amendment

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10y ago

Its difficult because it requires alot of approval which takes alot of time but it is worth the wait because otherwise it would be disorganized.

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6y ago

So there are no goofy amendments.

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Q: Explain why the amendment process is so difficult?
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Which amendment affected the office of president?

The 12th Amendment provides the procedure for electing the President and the Vice President. Basically, it modified the process so that these positions are now elected by the Electoral College.

Why did the Framers of the Constitution create a mechanism for amending the Constitution but then make it very difficult to make any changes?

They knew that people were going to change, and that the Constitution had to change with them. In order to be a working document, it had to be changed to reflect what was going on -- they knew, for instance, that slavery was someday going to be abolished, but they knew it was going to be for several generations. However, they wanted the amendment process to be difficult, so that the Constitution wasn't changed by people's fleeting whims. In other words, they made the process difficult so that 'popular passions' wouldn't alter the Constitution.

Is the necessary and proper clause formal or informal amendment process?

Neither. The Necessary and Proper Clause is part of the original Articles of the US Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18), so it's not an amendment, but is a formal part of the US Constitution. When use of the Necessary and Proper clause is expanded beyond the justifiable reach of Congress, that would be considered an informal amendment process.

The Framers provided this section of the constitution for a changing nation amendments?

The amendment process was added so the constitution could change and grow.

How did the seventeenth amendment change the election process?

Prior to the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1913 a Senator was elected by their home state's house of representatives. The 17th Amendment changed this process making Senators directly electable by the people.

Related questions

Why is the formal amendment process so difficult and complicated?

The Framers wanted the people to be absolutely sure before they changed the Constitution.

Why do you think the founding fathers made the amendment process difficult?

They did that so that silly ideas or Willy nilly things that weren't needed or against the constitution couldn't be added easily.

Why it so difficult to make an amendment to the Constitution?

Because 2/3 of the 50 states must ratify the amendment for it to become law.

The constitution can be changed by a process called what?

The constitution can be changed by a process called amendment. This typically involves proposing a change and then ratifying it through a specified mechanism outlined in the existing constitution.

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The process of protection clauses is the amendment that limits power and taxes. This is so people are not paying to much.

Which amendment affected the office of president?

The 12th Amendment provides the procedure for electing the President and the Vice President. Basically, it modified the process so that these positions are now elected by the Electoral College.

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Viruses are so difficult to combat because they are very good at assuming control of cells and multiplying themselves to spread and produce toxins.

Why did the Framers of the Constitution create a mechanism for amending the Constitution but then make it very difficult to make any changes?

They knew that people were going to change, and that the Constitution had to change with them. In order to be a working document, it had to be changed to reflect what was going on -- they knew, for instance, that slavery was someday going to be abolished, but they knew it was going to be for several generations. However, they wanted the amendment process to be difficult, so that the Constitution wasn't changed by people's fleeting whims. In other words, they made the process difficult so that 'popular passions' wouldn't alter the Constitution.

Why must there be a formal amendment process for the constitution?

Our founding fathers knew that our country would change in time, and we needed a governing document that could change along with the needs of it's citizens. So we have the formal amendment process in order to adapt to the changes and needs of our citizens.

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It means when you are difficult to understand. So explain yourself more:)

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