The Flu virus is so hard to combat because viruses can not be killed you just have to tough them out.
Viruses use their host's metabolic enzymes and some viruses mutate very quickly so they can easily become resistant to drugs. Viruses are almost biologically inert until they infect a cell.
Note: THIS IS A GUESS. I'M NOT SURE, SO DOCS: PLEASE DON'T MOB ME!Because you can't kill viruses. I'll explain. Bacteria are alive. You can kill them and they will go away. However, viruses are like robots; you can shut them off, but they can come back again over and over and over and they never stop coming back. EVER. :( Thus, as you can't kill them, they are harder to stop.
Viruses can infect a cell (s) without causing cancer, sometimes cancer can occur long after an infection takes place. Cancer is not contagious, so difficult to track.
One major problem that makes a viral infection so hard to cure is that they mutate so rapidly. It also hard to find drugs that will work. Tamiflu is an antiviral that acts against an enzyme that the virus needs to break out of the host cell and spread but many viruses are so simple that there are very few ways to stop them.
Viruses. Dark Avenger created a Polymorphic (mutation) Engine which allowed viruses to duplicate themselves, each time modifying itself (mutating itself). This made it incredibly difficult for anti virus softwares to detect the virus, so much so that they needed to create a new technique in order to detect these Polymorphic (mutating) viruses.
It means when you are difficult to understand. So explain yourself more:)
Identifying and understanding viruses took time because they are much smaller than bacteria and cannot be seen with a light microscope. It wasn't until the development of electron microscopes in the 20th century that viruses could finally be visualized. Additionally, viruses can only replicate inside host cells, making them difficult to study and understand.
With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.With the new combat system ("Evolution of Combat"), prayer no longer influences your combat level. Of course it is very useful for combat, so you should definitely train this skill.
Very difficult, you would need to explain what "ON the hospital" meant, was the parent on the roof for some reason and if so why.
He had a difficult topic to explain for his next essay so he went to the library to research the subject.
It is very uncommon for a MAC to get viruses, since they are their own "network" so to speak. They are not so widespread like windows for example, so they are not as likely to get viruses.