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In most forms of government, particularly in a parliamentary form of government, the head of government (e.g., the prime minister or premier) has the sole right to "hire-and-fire" cabinet ministers.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

The cabinet secretaries are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. How he makes his selections varies with the President but obviously he wants to choose people who will do a good job consistent with the views of the administration. There are also political considerations. Sometimes loyal party members from key states are appointed as a reward for their help. Recent presidents seem to make a point to try for ethnic and gender diversity in their appointments. The secretaries have to administer their respective departments. Secretaries of treasury and defense and the attorney general need to have special expertise and the Secretary of State is highly visible to the world, so these positions are usually carefully chosen.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A good President chooses his cabinet members based on their proven abilities in that field. But every President chooses at least a few cabinet members as a payback for service above and beyond the call during the campaign. It is not unusual for a cabinet member appointed by the new president to be quickly and quietly replaced a year to 18 months after they are appointed because they demonstrate no ability for the job they were given - in fact, it's fairly common - just another fact of life in American politics, regardless of party. A typical example would be Richard Nixon's first secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Robert Finch. HEW rapidly became a shambles under Finch, and he was "quickly and quietly replaced". (HEW is today called "Health and Human Services").

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A new president-elect selects the people he wants in his cabinet he sends his list to the US Senate for their approval. If the Senate approves his choice by a 2/3 favorable vote, the cabinet member is duly appointed. If not, the President has to send in another choice. Each appointment is individually considered. Replacements are filled in the same way.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the president hand picks each of the members

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βˆ™ 15y ago
By the President, with the consent of the senate,this also includes the vice president..

There are 21 cabinet officers that serve in the President's Cabinet.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The president chooses the cabinet and vc president

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The President picks the members in the Cabinet, subject to approval by the US Senate.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The president chooses them

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How are cabinet members chosen elected or appointed?

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Cabinet members are chosen by the Senate Ture or false?

False. They are appointed by the president.

Who is the cabinet appointed by?

The President of the United States selects the members of the cabinet. But after they are chosen, they must be confirmed by the Senate.

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The Cabinet members are chosen for their expertise in specific areas. They must be approved by the Congress. Recently, "czars" have been appointed bu the president.They need no congressional approval.

What are the Requirements to be a cabinet member?

In the United States, prospective administration cabinet members are first selected and nominated by the president. They must be confirmed by the senate before becoming a member of the president's cabinet.

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Cabinet member must be chosen by the president and approved by the Senate. Most cabinet members helped support the president.?æ

Is the President's Cabinet chosen by The House of Representatives?

Cabinet members are appointed by the President. They are subject to the confirmation of the Senate; and as their terms are not fixed, they may be replaced at any time by the President.

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In most governments, including the United States, a cabinet typically consists of around 15-25 members who are appointed to lead various government departments. These cabinet members are typically chosen by the head of state or government and are responsible for overseeing specific areas of policy and administration.

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Members of the Canadian Cabinet are called Cabinet ministers (not all ministers necessarily sit in Cabinet).

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