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He cannot. The president can veto the bill, returning it to Congress without his signature. Congress can override the President's veto by a two-thirds vote of both the House and the Senate. If the Congress overrides the President's veto, it becomes law even if he doesn't like it.

If the President refuses to enforce the law, he is violating his Constitutional oath to ensure that the laws will be faithfully executed, which would be an impeachable offense. Congress could then "fire" the President by removing him from office.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 16y ago

The President can can override congress by vetoing them.

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Q: How can a president override a congress bill?
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What type of veto can congress override?

they can override any bill that the president has vetoed

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A president can veto a bill that the congress passes and sends to him for his signature and he can refuse to sign it (vetoing it). But the president cannot override vetos. The congress can override president's veto by a 2/3 vote.

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The president can either choose to sign the bill into law or veto it, but Congress can override a veto.

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If the president vetoes a bill, then Congress can override that vetoe, but the bill must go back to Congress to be approved with a majority vote.

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The President can show disapproval of a bill that has been passed by congress by vetoing the bill. Congress, however, can override a presidential veto.

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override veto

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If a US president vetoes a bill sent to him by the US Congress, the president may choose to veto the bill. In such a case, the bill is sent back to the congress. If the Congress can come up with a two thirds majority, then the bill must pass as law.

What checks does the president do on the congress?

the president can veto any bill passed by congress, which requires 2/3 of both houses to override

How can congress check the executive branch when the president has vetoed a bill?

If congress gets a two/thirds majority, then they can override the president's veto.

What happens when the president says no to a bill?

If a president says no to a bill, it's called a veto. Then after that, he has to send it to Congress which is the Judical Branch. Then Congress looks over the bill, and they can override the bill and it can still be passed.

Which branch can approve a bill and can override the president's veto majority?

In order to override a veto by the president, both houses of Congress must pass the bill again by a 2/3 majority.

Can congress veto bills signed by the president?

No -- Congress cannot veto bills but they can override a presidents veto.( I am slightly confused by the wording of this question but I think I know the answer you are looking for. Congress creates bills and if the bill passes congress it then goes to the president. Ususally when you think of Congress you only think of voting on whether or not the bill should be seen and approved by the president. The president is the only person that can veto bills. If the president does veto the bill it can be sent back to congress for another vote to override the president's veto. With that vote 2/3 of congress have to pass it in order for it to become a law. At that point it is unlikely to override the president however, it is possible. )However, Congress can pass new legislation that repeals a previous bill that was signed by the President.