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in the presidential election, the popular vote of the state is the then the electorate, and depending on how many elector votes the state has (depending on popularity) that's how many votes the candiate gets. so if a large state like California has only a 10% difference, it still goes by the popular vote. if a candidate gets many larger states, but not by a vast amount, it then results with the loss of the popular vote but a win of the elector vote.

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The popular vote has nothing to do with the presidential and vice presidential elections on the national level. The votes that are cast by the public on the day after the first Monday of November are used by each individual state and the District of Columbia to determine which candidates that state's/ district's electors will vote for when they cast their votes in mid-December.

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Do electors have to vote for the popular vote winner?

An elector is free to vote for whomever he or she wishes. That is why it is important to choose electors carefully. If you want to elect a specific candidate, you vote for an elector who is loyal to that candidate.

What is a renegade elector?

A renegade elector is a member of the Electoral College who casts a vote for a person other than the one he or she has promised to vote for. If you vote for President, you don't vote for the presidential candidate, you vote for an elector who has pledged that he or she will vote for that candidate. This pledge is not legally binding. Any elector may vote for any candidate regardless of his/her pledge. The Electoral College was set up this way becaue the framers of the Constitution did not fully trust the general electorate. This is because more and more voters were coming from unpropertied classes, unlike the Framers. They feared the possibility that a popular vote might elect a person who threatened their property interests. At the time it was expected that electors would only be persons with property interests. Thus, if a president who theatened property interests were elected by the general public, it was expected that that person would vote for the more "responsible" candidate instead and prevent that person from becoming president.

All electors in present times are required to cast their votes for the candidate who wins a states popular vote?

False About half the states have state laws that require the elector to cast his vote according to popular vote. The others do not. However, the electors are chosen for their party loyalty and have worked hard and contributed money to elect their party's candidate. It is highly unlikely that one would be a traitor to his party. The votes are not secret.

How does MN determine how many electoral votes each candidate will get?

Like most states, Illinois is a "winner-take-all" state. Whichever ticket (presidential candidate and his/her running mate) receives a simple majority of the popular votes within the state gets all 20 of Illinois' electoral votes.

Do any states fail to have a winner take all apportionment of electoral college votes?

Maine and Nebraska allow for the splitting of their electoral votes. I think they both award one elector to the winner in each Congressional district and give the other two votes to the over-all state-wide winner.

Related questions

How do Congression districts function related to voting?

Congressional districts function by selecting one elector within each congressional district by popular vote and selecting the remaining two electors by a statewide popular vote. No elector is required by law to vote how they pledge, but there have been only a few incidences where an elector voted differently than how they pledged.

Who do the people vote for to in turn cast the votes for a presidential candidate?

Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President of the United States. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

What is the difference of a elector or a voter?

an "electorate" is a group of people that can vote an "elector" is someone who can vote

If a electoral college delegate votes for someone else besides their party's candidate they are called what?

The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. If the elector ultimately votes for a candidate other than the candidate the elector swears in advance that he will vote for, the elector is referred to as a "faithless elector".

What is a good sentence for elector?

The elector cast their vote in the election to help determine the outcome.

Did any electoral college delgates ever reversed their votes?

There have been a few Electors in the electoral college that did not vote in accordance with the popular vote in the state that they represent. The Electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. If the Elector ultimately votes for a candidate other than the candidate the Elector swears in advance that he will vote for, the Elector is referred to as a "faithless elector". Due to faithless voting in the 2016 electoral college, electoral votes were cast for Colin Powell 3, Bernie Sanders 1, Ron Paul 1, John Kasich 1, and Faith Spotted Eagle 1.

Can a state elector vote with an electoral vote and as a citizen?

Yes - he would essentially be voting for himself as elector.

Individual casting electoral vote for president?

In the United States, individual casting of electoral votes for president occurs when members of the Electoral College cast their votes for the presidential candidate that won their state's popular vote. Each elector has the discretion to vote for the candidate of their choice. However, some states have laws that require electors to vote according to the popular vote result in their state.

Who was the last president to win the Elector vote but not the popular vote?

George Bush won the electoral vote with 271 to Al Gore's 266. Gore, however, won the popular vote with 50,999,897 votes while Bush only had 50,456,002.

What type of noun is elector?

"Elector" is a common noun, as it refers to a general class of people who have the ability to vote in an election.

When an elector in the Electoral College does not vote for the candidate they pledged the support this elector is known as?


Can an elector receive expensive vacations watches or cash?

No. Not if these are used to influence his vote as an elector.