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The president checks the actions of the legislative branch through vetoes on bills passed by Congress.

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Q: How can the president check the actions of the legislative branch?
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How does the president check the legislative branch.?

By the power of the veto.

Which branch has the power to act as a check on both the president and the supreme court?

The Legislative Branch

How legislative branch check on executive branch?

The executive branch (aka the president) checks the legislative branch (aka congress) by either signing or vetoing bills submitted to him, and by submitting bills to the legislative branch.

How does executive branch check on the legislative branch?

The executive branch (aka the president) checks the legislative branch (aka congress) by either signing or vetoing bills submitted to him, and by submitting bills to the legislative branch.

The legislative branch can check the judicial branch by its power to?

The legislative Branch can check the Judicial branch in that Congress can approve the Judicial appointments, they can also impeach judges and remove them from office.

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How does the excutive branch check the legislative branch?

The President has the power to veto or deny Congress's bill's passing.

How does the judicial branch check the legistlative branch?

The Judicial branch has the ability to check the Legislative branch and the Executive branch by interpreting laws and actions and determining whether or not they violate or conform to the Constitution.

How can the legislative branch exert power over the other two branches?

Legislative branches can check on the Executive branch by, override president's veto.

How does the legislative check the executive branch?

Through the veto power.

Did checks and balances work when president Andrew Johnson was impeached?

yes because the legislative branch could barely remove a seating president so they had to check and balence the legislative branch

In the United states what check does the president have the power of the legislative branch?

The president can reject a proposed law with a veto.