He obtained command of West Point fort (located in New York) on September 23, 1780, and surrendered it to the British. He did not surrender it because his army was really losing, but because he had already planned to do so.
West Point
Benedict Arnold's father was also named Benedict Arnold. They were both named after his great-grandfather, who was the president of Rhode Island.
A traitor during the revolution was a person who abandon the side they were on and joined the other. For example Benedict Arnold was a traitor.
Benedict Arnold was not a loyalist or a patriot he was an opportunist.he was a big traitor.he was also a general.he was part of the British army in 1781. his wife convinced him to betray his country, but only for money.he was born in Norwich.he fought the battle of concord alone and of course failed.he piloted the American forces to win the battle of Saratoga.he was born January 14, 1741.he died June 14, 1801.he died in London Englandall of his siblings caught yellow feverHannah was his only sibling to survive yellow feverb4 he was a general he was a pharmasisthe switched from being on the frenches side to the british just bcause, he wanted more money & he was in debt.
because she needed the money
he was wounded and retired,but later joined the British for money
West Point
It is our military academy.
SOME PEOPLE SAY HIS WIFE TOLD HIM TO BETRAY HIS COUNTRY he fought the battle of concord by himself and failed
I think you mean Traitor. Arnold attempted to betray the West Point to the British until his plot was discovered.
Benedict Arnold had plotted to give control of West Point(an American Military Depot) to the British in exchange for 10,000 pounds sterling and a Brigadier's ranking in the British army
he wanted a higher rank and a better pay, for he was deeply in debt however, he mostly betrayed his country for his wife, margaret. if you research her, she is the real 'benedict arnold'. she had relations with another british soldier named andre and she got benedict to switch sides. there wasnt exactly an affair though but all of it was his wifes idea.
Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga and later betrayed his country. Benedict Arnold was a general in the Continental army.
Bendict Arnold is the famous traitor who secretly changed sides.