During the revolutionary war, Indian tribes A) first hoped to stay neutral, but man ended up fighting on the bitish side. B) first joined the british but later switched to the revolutionary side. C) participated in violence against both sides D) embraced the revolutionary cause from the onset of hostilities
Benedict Arnold's legacy became known as a traitor and he committed treason. During the Revolutionary War he switched sides from the American Army to the British.
There were none, since Ohio didn't exist during the Revolutionary War.
Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France during the Revolutionary War.
What age did youngsters go to college during the revolutionary war
During the revolutionary war, Indian tribes A) first hoped to stay neutral, but man ended up fighting on the bitish side. B) first joined the british but later switched to the revolutionary side. C) participated in violence against both sides D) embraced the revolutionary cause from the onset of hostilities
The capital of the American colonies was based in Philadelphia during the Revolutionary War. Philadelphia remained the nation's capital until it was switched to the District of Columbia in 1800. The first and second Continental Congresses were held there, and the Declaration of Independence was signed there.
No he did not portray during the Revolutionary War.
Benedict Arnold's legacy became known as a traitor and he committed treason. During the Revolutionary War he switched sides from the American Army to the British.
There were 13 colonies during the Revolutionary War. After the Revolutionary War, they became the original 13 United States of America.
she was a sculptor and a spy during the revolutionary war. she was a sculptor and a spy during the revolutionary war.
There were none, since Ohio didn't exist during the Revolutionary War.
...No. The Revolutionary War was in the 1700s. The TV was invented in the 1900s.
Yes, the battle of Sullivan's island was during the Revolutionary war.
i think there was really no disadvantage of guerrilla warfare during the revolutionary war.
There were no states during the Revolutionary War, there were only colonies.
no, there was no president existing during the revolutionary war. we had not become the U.S.A yet.