

Best Answer

they picked off wheat from the plantations or farms, had doudh and then used old oven/baker to make bread they picked off wheat from the plantations or farms, had doudh and then used old oven/baker to make bread they picked off wheat from the plantations or farms, had doudh and then used old oven/baker to make bread

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Q: How did colonial people bake bread?
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Did colonial bakers bake zucchini bread?

They probably did.

What did colonial New York bake?

Perhaps they baked a strudel when berries were plentiful and lots of basic but wholesome bread.

What foods did a colonial baker bake?

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Who taught the cavemen how bake bread?

Cavemen taught self how bake bread.

How do you make quick bread?

bake Bread

Did people bake their own bread 100 years ago?

Many people did, but some people purchased their bread from bakeries.

What do colonial people eat?

corn, potatoes, bread, and wild game.

Where do you bake bread?

in the oven

Why do you think bread is such a vital food for people?

Bread has always been important to people. It's really easy to bake... and you don't exactly NEED to have expensive ingredients. People like bread... you couldn't have sandwiches with out it... or anything like that.

In colonial times how did the people save their bread's yeast?

In colonial times people saved their breads yeast by putting the bread on the window sill to collect the natural yeast from the air. They also collected or made their yeast from sourdough.

Why do supermarkets bake bread on site?

Supermarkets bake bread on-site primarily for two reasons. These are to maximize freshness, and the other is to minimize shipping prepared bread prices.

Can you bake bread with coarse sea salt?

You can bake bread with coarse sea salt. However, the crystals are large and may taste too strongly in the bread after it is baked.