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requiring people to pass written tests before they earned a position.

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Q: How did emperor wudi changed the way people were appointed to government?
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In what two ways did the Roman empire differ from the Roman Republic?

During the republic form of government, the selecting of officials was in the hands of the people. During the form of government called the empire, the officials were appointed by the emperor, or, if voting were allowed, the emperor's man always won.

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Almost all positions in China are appointed by the government.

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The Electors are appointed by the people in the State houses of representatives, not appointed by the executive branch of government!

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The government is not a "who" but a "what" instead. It's the organization of both electected, appointed and hired people who perform all the acts of government.

Who is in the government?

The government is not a "who" but a "what" instead. It's the organization of both electected, appointed and hired people who perform all the acts of government.

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They sold it to a government-appointed agent.

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Who was the cruel emperor who murdered many people and appointed his horse as consul?

Caligula appointed his horse Ingatius consul and priest. He fellseriouslyill eightmonths after becoming emperor, recovered, but went mad. Hebecameerratic and cruel. he liked to be addressed as a god. He had peoplepersecutedor murdered without any reason. he was murdered in the fourth year of his rule.

What is a government zar?

a person appointed to a govenment position usually of fairly significant power that is unaccountable to the people and not elected by the people.

Who is a trained civil service who runs government?

A trained civil service who runs the government is a bureaucracy. Basically, it's a group of people who run the government but are not elected by the people, but appointed by the ruler or top official.

What type of government did China have during Wold War 2?

It had a communist government and still does. In 1939 the people's revolution took place overthrowing the Emperor. A good movie on this is THE LAST EMPEROR. It is a beautiful movie and cinematography is fantastic.

How has government changed?

Because the government only thinks about the money it's making and not what the people are working for, so therefore they honestly don't care about there people anymore.