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His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at:

His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at:

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Q: How did governor-general andros's attempt to weaken colonial resolve increase colonists' anger towards England?
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How did Governor General Andros's attempt to weaken colonial resolve increase colonists' anger towards England?

His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at: His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at:

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People of colonial Maryland?

Most of them came from England.

How did governor general Andros attempt to weaken colonial resolve increase colonists anger towards England?

His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at: His interference in local government aroused sharp resentment among the colonists, and in 1688 they revolted and imprisoned him. Andros was recalled to England but returned as governor of Virginia (1692) and Maryland (1693 - 94). - See more at:

Why did colonists dislike mercantilism?

because it was in favor of the British Mercantilism was the economic philosophy underlying early European colonial policy. The object of mercantilism was to increase the wealth of the Mother Country (England) in gold and silver.

Was Protestant England's early colonial ambitions fueled by its religious rivalry with Catholic Spain?

No, the first colonists were fleeing religious persecution in England.

What was practiced in colonial Virginia?

Colonial Virginia was under the control of England and the early Virginian colonists, by law, had to pay taxes to support the Anglican Church (Church of England.) Most of the early colonists in Virginia were part of the Anglican Church, however there were some other Protestant denominations that were present.

In colonial governments what did the royal governor do?

He made sure colonists didn't pass any laws that could hurt England A+

Which person in the colonial government made sure the colonists did not take any action that was detrimental to England?

royal governor a+

What did colonists do with imported molasses?

In colonial times, molasses imported into New England was used as an inexpensive sweetener and to make rum.

What did the colonists do with imported molasses?

In colonial times, molasses imported into New England was used as an inexpensive sweetener and to make rum.