None. John Q. Adams had the lowest percentage of popular vote in 1824 with 30.9%. Second lowest President in the popular vote category was Abraham Lincoln in 1860 with 39.8%.
Lincoln's ten percent plan was designed to bring the south back into the union quickly.
Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction was simple for Confederates to took the Oath of Loyalty and follow all federal laws pertaining to slavery those who did so were given general amnesty ... Reconstruction plans allowed former Confederate States to form new governments and constitutions, as long as ten percent (10%) of their voters supported the Union during The 1860 Presidential Election ...
The 10 Percent Plan.
Lincoln winning the presidency with only 40 percent of the popular vote
Abraham Lincoln
When Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th US President, on November 6, 1860, He received 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote.
President Abraham Lincoln supported the Ten Percent Plan for Reconstruction because he wanted to mend ties with the former Confederate states, not punish them further.
abraham lincoln
The Ten Percent Plan refers to Abraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction after the Civil War, and the Johnson plan was offered by Andrew Johnson. Voting rights was a significant difference between the two. Lincoln's plan called for extending voting rights, while Johnson's did not.
On February 1, 1850, Edward Baker "Eddy" Lincoln, son of President Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln, passed away one month before his fourth birthday. The cause of death was described at the time as "chronic consumption" or tuberculosis. The boy's father and two brothers had signs of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. One hundred percent of people with this genetic cancer syndrome develop medullary thyroid cancer, even as infants. It has been suggested that the child died of this disorder. Following the death of Abraham Lincoln, the boy's remains were moved to his father's tomb from Hutchinson's Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois, to Oak Ridge Cemetery, also in Springfield.
Because president Lincoln gave ten percent to the south. Of course the ten percent was money
Abraham Lincoln won the US presidential race because the Democratic Party, a national party was split three ways and for all practical purposes had no chance. Other "parties" such as the Liberty Party were Democrats, as one example.Although the Republican Party was a new party, Lincoln appeared as moderate to most voters. This allowed the Republicans to have an easy Electoral College victory, despite the low popular vote percentage of Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln won the election in 1860 with 39 percent of the vote. That was not uncommon in those days when several parties ran candidates in the national elections. Bill Clinton won the election of 1992 with 39 percent of the vote.
He didn't go for the presidency
Nationwide except for South Carolina, which was not yet using popular vote as its method for elector selection, Abraham Lincoln's total of popular votes in 1860 was about 39.65% of votes cast. He is the only person known to have received a majority of electoral votes with less than 40% of the nationwide popular votes.