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The loyalists don't like the patriots because the loyalists are loyal to the county and the patriots are just about opposite.

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10y ago
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13y ago

Many of the loyalists could have had ties with Brittan. For example a relative, friend, or spouse might have still been living in great Brittan at the time. Many people at that time traded with Brittan and made a good living so why cut ties with them. Many of the loyalists could have simply felt it wrong to start a war with the parenting country. Others thought that it would be insensible to fight a much larger empire and why make enemies with (at that time) the most powerful nation. So overall the loyalists viewed the rebels as traitors.

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16y ago

Loyalists claimed that the colonists were traitors toward England and the King. By requesting their freedom the colonists were disrespecting everything England had done to help them become established in the new world. Apparently taxation and other issues were not a concern when compared to rebelling against England.

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12y ago

Assuming you're refering to the American Revolution, loyalists were American colonists that did not support independence, instead they remained loyal to the British crown, hence, their name.

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10y ago

The loyalists were against the war. They believed that the colonists should stay loyal to British law and remain under British rule.

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11y ago

look in your history book.

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No, General Cornwallis was a loyalist fought the patriots George Washington and then surrender

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to spt on the patriots

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The patriots separated family's and the loyalist didn't like the way the patriots are giving them freedom hope this is the answer u r looking for :)