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The Netherlands was invaded by Napoleon and lost temporary control of all her colonies and the British took advantage of the situation going on and took control of Cape Colony/South Africa to prevent it from falling to France. They gave South Africaback to the Dutch East India Company but they were declared bankrupt afterwards soBritain annexed Cape Colony and expanded to the North by fighting wars with Native Africans and the Boers.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The british goverenment (king george V) kept the colonies under close watch and used them as a way to bring in more money. When king george V lost wars he used the colonies as a way to re-make the money he lost by adding additional taxes on things that the colonists used every day such as tea, paper, and sugar.

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16y ago

The British began taxing the citizens and controlled their trade.

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the imposition of new taxes, attacks on colonial self-government, and stricter enforcement of existing laws.

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9y ago

The Navigation Acts were how the British tried to control the colonists.

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All of the above were atempted.

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by imposing outrageous taxes and laws

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all of these methods were attempted

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Q: How did the british try to control the colonists?
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Why did British feel they had to tax colonists?

Because it is like a mother and daughter relationship. The British had control over the colonists for a long time. The British did kinda baby them for a while , then British turned. And the colonists was like what is going on; and the British wanted to control the colonists and the colonists had enough so the wanted to rebel. So to answer the question , because the British felt like they were in control because they kinda took the colonists under there wing.

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The British try to recover their war spending by that they thought the colonists should help pay for the cost of defending the colonies. The colonists didn't like the British government by telling them to stay out of those lands.

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The British were responsible. They were trying to show they had more power, and keep control over the colonists

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The Revolutionary War started because of the colonists anger toward the British. The British taxed the colonists on many things and took complete control over the colonists so they fought for freedom and eventually the colonists won.

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One method of control used by the elite on rebellious colonists was to charge people with anger towards the British.

What were the methods of control used by the revolutionary elite to control disobedient and rebellious colonists?

One method of control used by the elite on rebellious colonists was to charge people with anger towards the British.

How did the colonists show their opposition to british control of the frontier?

Boston tea party

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to keep control of the colonists and to take a dump on them

What did the colonists think of these new laws?

If you mean England, the colonists hated the new laws because of the taxes the British were dumping on the colonists and how British was trying to control them. the 13 colonies eventually didn't like the british acts so much that they rebeled.

How can you explain Sense for Independence?

The British people in England had control. The colonists had no power or freedom.

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Boston Massacre