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typically they were illiterate because they didn't have access to education and were unable to pass a literacy test.


sometimes the case, but the people who gave the test made the standerd for the literacy tests incredibly high for blacks.

it made it nearly impossible for the blacks to vote.

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Q: How did the literacy test operate to disenfranchise black voters?
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How did White primary operate to disenfranchise black voters?

The whites used literacy tests and grandfather tests as well as poll taxes to discourage black voters.

How did the white primary operate to disenfranchise black voters?

The whites used literacy tests and grandfather tests as well as poll taxes to discourage black voters.

What tactics did southern states employ to disenfranchise black voters?

They made African Americans pass a literacy test..

How did lengthy residence requirements operate to disenfranchise black voters?

The lenghty residence requirements operated to disenfranchise black voters because it required certain requirements for voters to meet in order to be eligibale to vote. The Lengthy residence requirements was acutally for taxpayers who owned land and lived at a certain residence for a certain amount of time but due to being former slaves a certain residence wasn't existant.So knowingly that most black voters wouldn't be able to meet the requirements the lengthy residence requirements were created. Not only was the lengthy residence requirements used against any black voters but also the literaly test, the poll tax, white primary and the "grandfather clause."

Did many southern states use literacy tests and poll taxes to prevent black citizens from voting?

Ten Southern states implemented literacy tests and poll taxes to disenfranchise black citizens. These were done effectively through the passage of the Black Codes.

What exempted black voters from literacy test?

if the person's grandfather was a free man and they could prove it

What is the literacy tes?

The literacy test was a requirement for voting in the United States, used to disenfranchise Black voters in the southern states during the Jim Crow era. It was designed to be unfairly difficult and subjective, with the goal of preventing African Americans from exercising their right to vote. The test was eventually outlawed by the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

This made literacy test illegal?

A literacy test has never been illegal in and of itself. Requiring voters to pass literacy tests in order to vote was declared unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because all citizens have the right to vote, regardless of their level of literacy. But the main point was that southern states used these laws as a method to prevent black voters from participating.

Which of the following did southern whites used to disenfranchise african Americans after the civil war?

They authorized Jim Crow Laws that limited segregated freedmen (former slaves) from whites. Also, the made black codes that made blacks act a certain way. They made poll taxes and literacy test to stop blacks from voting.

Which amendment guarantees all male citizens a right to vote?

The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed the right to vote to all male citizens regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude. Ratified in 1870, it was the last of the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution. However, between 1890 to 1910, southern legislatures blocked the Fifteenth Amendment by a series of obstacles including poll taxes, literacy tests and whites only primaries to disenfranchise black male voters.

What percent of Obama's voters were black?

In the 2012 presidential election, approximately 93% of black voters supported Barack Obama.

The Birth of a nation was criticized for what?

It was criticized for portraying the Ku Klux Klan as a saviour for whites. It depicted negro males as crazed renegades and always after the white woman. In the movie, the Klan successfully disenfranchise black voters. Because of the film's racist content, riots broke out and some cities did not want to show the movie. See below for links.