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Knowing right from wrong is really very simple. Truth is based on facts. Tested and verifiable. A truth has no errors in the verification process. Saying, for example, that no illegals will be covered under a health bill would be able to be verified by statements in the bill stating it would not cover illegals. If they are absent, the person stating this would be lying.

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Q: How did the revolutionaries define the truth?
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How did Americans revolutionaries define truth?

the Revolutionaries defined truth as science and logic.

How did Sojourner Truth define truth?

As a surname

Were the chartists revolutionaries?

some people would consider them revolutionaries depending on how the define a revoultion, chartists did want change but they didn't want absolute change which in some peoples opinions mean they don't count as revolutionaries

In the musical Moulin Rouge what did the revolutionaries believe in?

Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Love.

Who do transcendentalists define truth?

How Do Transcendentalists Define Truth answer 2. How a transcendentalist define truth will come to know only when you become so. But in Buddhism a transcendentalist will define a set of relative truths as per our capacity and then keep on rising the quality of that relative truth as we grow in to that path. One day suddenly you will come to know the real truth. Truth is importantly a feeling or experience which is tough to reach. Though truth is visible everyday and every time in the physical aspects , but it helps only when it is seen by the inner most reality of our existence.

How did George Washington define truth?

he didnt lie

How would you define what it means to have freedom in Christ?

Jesus is truth and the truth will set you free from false religion.

How would you define country music?

Three chords and the truth.

To what extent is truth different in mathematics the arts and ethics?

the truth is different in all three. you maybe thinking that the truth in art and ethics is the same but it isn't. the truth in ethics is what you belive, which most of the time will not harm anyone else. it is what you belive and execute that shows your ethics and that defines who you are. the truth in arts is that there is no truth it is absolute and there will nver be a truth, there might be a truth of how it was made or where it came from but the real art has no truth it comes from the feelings and the mind of the creator we can assume thins and give it our own perception but there will never be only one truth. the truth in mathematics is that it is all proved. all the formulas are derived and all sums are solved before we solved them. the only thing we can question is the origin of maths and if that has solid and secure. i hoped these small tips helped. -define mathematics -define arts -define ethics -define truth -your opinion about(with persoal experiences): truth in arts truth in ethics truth in mathematics and your TOK essay will be graded as A. :)

How do the Puritans define truth?

The Puritans defined truth as "God's word." They did not believe that man could tell the actual truth as that power only rested with God.

Who were the revolutionaries?

Different countries had different revolutionaries.

Define a truth table?

A truth table is usually a table in which the truth or falsehood of two variables are taken as input and these form the edges of the table. The content of the table shows the truth value of the result of some operation on the variables.