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Justices review the Constitution and use their own personal frames of reference to determine what the Constitution says about something. Because so much is open for interpretation, the justices often disagree on what is meant, and so unanimous decisions are rare.

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Article III of the American Constitution has vested power to the Supreme Court regarding the Constitution.

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Q: How do justices determine the meaning the Constitution?
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Do all of the federal courts determine the number of US Supreme Court justices?

No. The US Constitution vests Congress with the authority to determine the structure of the federal courts, including the US Supreme Court. Congress set the number of justices on the Court at nine in the Judiciary Act of 1869.

How does the constitution promote the value of independence for the supreme court?

It does not set official qualifications for justices. -apex

What are the four methods that justices might use to interpret the constitution and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

1. The plain meaning of the words in the Constitution Adv. The court can base its decisions closest to how the Framers meant the Constitution to be interpreted. Dis. Not all questions are answered in the Constitution and there were disagreements on some meanings of words. 2. The intention of the framers Adv. It is most faithful to the ideas of the Constitution. Dis. It was really hard to determine what the Framers meant on some issues. There are no guidelines for the types of situations that did not exist when the Constitution was written. 3. The Constitution is based on some fundamental principles of government Adv. Uses the basic ideas of our government on basic principles and values. 4. Today's social values and needs Adv. They use more modern approaches that fit to our current culture. Dis. People opposed to methods 3 and 4 say that it gives the justices too much freedom to decide cases according to their own political and personal beliefs.

What article and section of the constitution does it talk about the term of justices?

it talks about Craig Allen palm well at least i do

The number of justices on the Supreme Court are fixed by?

Congress decides how many justices should be on the US Supreme Court. The current number, nine, was set by the Judiciary Act of 1869.

Related questions

How many justices are on the highest court in the US according to the Constitution?

The Constitution does not mention the number of justices.

Do all of the federal courts determine the number of US Supreme Court justices?

No. The US Constitution vests Congress with the authority to determine the structure of the federal courts, including the US Supreme Court. Congress set the number of justices on the Court at nine in the Judiciary Act of 1869.

What are the development for first presidential administrations under the constitution?

During the first presidential administrations under the constitution, congress was empowered to determine the number of justices that would preside over the Supreme Court.

What laws govern a Supreme Court Justice and Justices' decisions?

The Supreme Court Justices interpret and enforce the US Constitution. The US Constitution is the ultimate "Law of the Land", to which they are bound.

What is on trial in a Supreme Court case?

In a case before the Supreme Court, the law itself is on trial and the justices determine whether the law is guilty of violating the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.

Did the Constitution make provisions for a US Supreme Court but allow Congress to determine the structure of the Court?

Yes. Article III of the Constitution mandated creation of a Supreme Court, but allowed Congress authority to determine details such as the number of justices, the duration and timing of the Court's annual Terms, salaries, its appellate jurisdiction, etc.

Why did the framers of the constitution want selection of justices to be non democratic?

i had the same question and this is the answer i got:

The Number of justices on the Supreme Court is set by?

The Canadian Constitution.

What Factors guarantee a justices independence?

The US Constitution and state constituions

Why did the framers of the Constitution want the selection of justices to be non-democratic?


Where in the Constitution does it say US Supreme Court justices are appointed for life?

According to Article III, Section I, of the Constitution, Supreme Court justices hold their offices "during good behavior," meaning for life, as long as they don't commit an impeachable offense. Qualifying infractions are defined in Article II, Section 4, as "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Who has the ability to determine the numbers of justices of the supreme court?
