Which of these would a socially conservative politician MOST LIKELY support?
War is defined as socially sanctioned violence to achieve a political purpose.
For eighteenth century women, the role in music that was socially acceptable was that of a performer. It was not acceptable at the time for women to be composers.
People who are studying to become a psychologist would need to be emotionally and socially literate in order to be successful. Most people who study this would be considered to be.
first if u have no idea what socially mature is hang around quitley (without seeming creepy) with people who you classify as "socially mature" no more fart jokes or any thing like that ,try to make them laugh
it is not acceptable
The Belizean dollar was devalued in 1949.
Socially, well I would say it brings people together because people pitch in
The people of Rhode Island desire to live a long and peaceful life. They strive to become successful financially, socially, and spiritually.
You become friends with female people by socially interacting with them without hitting on them. It's really not that hard.
Because they are socially awkward.
In 1966, indian rupee was first time devalued
Depression is when money is devalued, people lose jobs and it is very hard to live.
During puberty there are a lot of emotional and social changes. This causes some people to become socially awkward and in turn isolate.
Explain what it means to say that "deviance is socially constructed"?