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Senate is made up of 100 people elected every 6 years and is considered the upper house. The House of Representatives is the lower house and is made up of 435 people. The number is based on the census taken every 10 years to determine the population of each state. So the number of Representatives varies by state.

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Q: How do the branches of the U.S legislature differ in representation?
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What type of legislature has two branches?

A legislature with two branches is a legislature that consists of two groups, both of which must agree before a law can be passed. The US Congress is an example of a Legislative assembly with two branches. One branch, or house, is the US Senate; the other is the US House of Representatives.

What does reapportionment do?

1.) Reapportionment is the act of readjusting representation in a legislature, particularly in the US Congress where representation may have to be adjusted due to changes in populations.

Is the legislative branch tricameral?

No the legislative branch in the US is bicameral. Bicameral means that the legislature is divided into 2 separate branches. In the US the legislature is divided into the Senate and House of Representatives.

How did the Virginia plan aim to improve the structure of the national government?

The VA Plan was: "a plan, unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention, providing for a legislature of two houses with proportional representation in each house and executive and judicial branches to be chosen by the legislature." This would create a powerful legislature, and one dominated by populous states. The states with lower populations rightfully feared that this would reduce their power to control the laws and operation of the federal government. The plan was applied solely to the lower branch of Congress (the House) and the representation of slave states was settled by the 3/5th Compromise.

What document establishes the three branches of government and the bicameral legislature?

The Constitution of the United States of America. The three branches are the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. The Legislative branch is divided into the Senate and the House begetting the term bicameral.

Related questions

What type of legislature has two branches?

A legislature with two branches is a legislature that consists of two groups, both of which must agree before a law can be passed. The US Congress is an example of a Legislative assembly with two branches. One branch, or house, is the US Senate; the other is the US House of Representatives.

What does reapportionment do?

1.) Reapportionment is the act of readjusting representation in a legislature, particularly in the US Congress where representation may have to be adjusted due to changes in populations.

What are 3 us branches?

executive (president), legislature (congress) and judiciary (supreme court).

Is the legislative branch tricameral?

No the legislative branch in the US is bicameral. Bicameral means that the legislature is divided into 2 separate branches. In the US the legislature is divided into the Senate and House of Representatives.

Which part of the Great Compromise in the US constitution?

A decision on the structure of the legislature Two legislative houses with different methods of representation

How does the US legislature differ from parliamentary legislatures?

The difference between a parliamentary legislature and the the US legislature is primarily the separation of powers. In a parliamentary legislature, the head of the executive (Prime Minister) is also a member of parliament, whereas in the US the President cannot be a member of Congress.

What branches of government have Barack Obama run for in his life?

All of government work before he was President was with the legislative branches. He ran for and was elected to the Illinois state legislature and to the US Senate.

Three similarities between the us constitution and the great law of peace are?

bicameral legislature, veto power, and three branches of government

How did the great compromise resolved representation issues in the legislature?

The Great Compromise settled the method of representation in the legislativebranch (the US Congress). Small states wanted equal representation(equality by state), and large states wanted representationbased on population (equality by vote). ... In the House of Representatives, representation was based on population.

Why we're the smaller states in favor of the new Jersey plan?

When writing the US Constitution, the New Jersey plan for the US legislature would have given each state equal representation without regard to population. This would give greater influence to citizens of the less populous states than a legislature apportioned by population (both houses under the Virginia Plan). Under the Connecticut Compromise (The Great Compromise), states have equal representation in the Senate but apportioned representation in the House of Representatives.*The unicameral plan previously used under the Articles of Confederation gave each state one vote in the legislature, which proved extremely problematic in practice.

How did the Virginia plan aim to improve the structure of the national government?

The VA Plan was: "a plan, unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention, providing for a legislature of two houses with proportional representation in each house and executive and judicial branches to be chosen by the legislature." This would create a powerful legislature, and one dominated by populous states. The states with lower populations rightfully feared that this would reduce their power to control the laws and operation of the federal government. The plan was applied solely to the lower branch of Congress (the House) and the representation of slave states was settled by the 3/5th Compromise.

When do the hours of Compass Bank differ?

Compass Bank hours differ depending on the branch and the day of the week. Some branches are open Monday thru Saturday 9:00am to 4:00pm and some branches are closed on Saturdays. All branches are closed on major US holidays like Christmas.