Balance of powers. The faction cannot control all parts of the government. Like, for example, if the Senate is mostly Republican, and the House is mostly Democrat, then neither side can override the other. Also, the Supreme Court can block factions if they get control of both the Congress and the Executive branch. Also, since the United States is so big, the amount of Representatives elected makes it hard for any one party to gain control of Congress. Hope this helps! (Also that it is in proper English. It is not my first language... ^^;)
The republic would be so large, with so many conflicting constituencies, that no single faction would ever be able to dominate the others. Moreover, safeguards inserted into the Constitution, such as the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances, would prevent the government from ever becoming too powerful.
Factions are a right given to the people under the constitution. Factions play a part in the groups belief to improve the lifestyle of the people. Others create a life style away from the general beliefs as is their right in protest or for religious reasons. To eliminate factions is to propose a single entity of the government away from democratic ideals and into autocratic government.
James Madison
James Madison is the father of the Constitution because of the important role he played in drafting and ratifying it.
Madison was the note keeper of the constitution. Because of his detailed notes we know about the constitution and everything that went on as it was written. He is called the Father of the constitution.
OPTIONS: limit the ability to form factions raise taxes on factions to lessen their power depend on only enlightened legislators serving in government control the influence factions have on government
James Madison warned against the dangers of what he called factions they produced "instability, injustice, and confusion."
Madison helped write the American Constitution. He had such a big influence on it that he is forever known as "The Father of the Constitution."
Federalist Paper no. 10 was written by James Madison to get the Constitution ratified. It discussed how to control factions that harbored interests that were in contrast to the rights of others. Madison argued on behalf of a strong government that could guard against factions.
Madison's solution for controlling the effects of factions was the establishment of a republican government. He argued that the powers wielded by the factions be constitutionally limited.
Removing the causes of mischief or controlling the effects of the mischief.
Special interest groups and factions means the same thing but James Madison preferred to call it factions.
Of all the Federalist Papers written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, perhaps the most famous and the one most quoted is Federalist No. 10, by Madison. Many people had argued against the new Constitution claiming that the US would be too large to govern as a democracy (republic) and had too many groups, or “factions,” as political parties were then called. While Madison acknowledged that there were many differing factions,and he considered them a major threat, he also indicated that a democratic form of government, using the ideal of majority rule, would tame the factions and cause them to work together as much as possible. He claimed that the republican form of government created by the new Constitution would allow all the factions the room and venues to express themselves and to influence the workings of government by getting their members elected and/or appointed to offices. Minority groups would be protected because the factions would have to negotiate their differences. In this way, the republic would create a system of government in which the majority would rule but the ideas of the minority would have to be taken into consideration. Numerous factions would also mean that no one group would be able to take complete control of the government and this would give rise to what Madison called “politics,” namely, the art of governing.
He was a major writer of the declaration of independence. He is known as the "Father of the Constitution"
Of all the Federalist Papers written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton, perhaps the most famous and the one most quoted is Federalist No. 10, by Madison. Many people had argued against the new Constitution claiming that the US would be too large to govern as a democracy (republic) and had too many groups, or “factions,” as political parties were then called. While Madison acknowledged that there were many differing factions, he also indicated that a democratic form of government, using the ideal of majority rule, would tame the factions and cause them to work together as much as possible. He claimed that the republican form of government created by the new Constitution would allow all the factions the room and venues to express themselves and to influence the workings of government by getting their members elected and/or appointed to offices. Minority groups would be protected because the factions would have to negotiate their differences. In this way, the republic would create a system of government in which the majority would rule but the ideas of the minority would have to be taken into consideration. Numerous factions would also mean that no one group would be able to take complete control of the government and this would give rise to what Madison called “politics,” namely, the art of governing.
Madison defines factions as a number of citizens (representing either the minority or majority of the whole) who are united by common passions and interests. Examples of factions today are political parties and unions.