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He is remembered as the Quaker who founded Pennsylvania, Penn...

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Q: How is William Penn remembered today?
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How old is William Penn?

Today William Penn is 366.William Penn died long ago, July 30, 1718 in Berkshire, United Kingdom.

When was Philadelphia officially chartered by William Penn?

The earliest settlement that is recognizable today is Philadelphia, which was officially chartered in 1701 by William Penn.

Who first settled in philadelphia?

William Penn

William penn was the proprietor of pennsylvaniand this colony?

William Penn founded Pennsylvania. The colony was established to provide religious freedom. Today, Pennsylvania is called a Commonwealth.

Who was the leader of the quaker?

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What was the life in Pennsylvania like when William Penn was around?

Life in Pennsylvania was very plain when William Penn was around. More people were out working in gardens and shops than what are today.

When did William Penn remarry?

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What was William Penn's impact that affects the world today?

The ideals of William Penn contributed to the US democracy today. He was the founder of three colonies which are the Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He also first demonstrates religious freedom, self-government, and taxation.

What is penn's dad's name?

Sir Admiral William Penn was William Penn's Father's name.

How old was William penn when he died?

When William Penn Died He was 74 years old