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Q: How is the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania more powerful than US Supreme Court?
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Are state supreme court judges more powerful than US Supreme Court Justices?

No, the state supreme courts only interpret policy for legislation or the constitution specific to the state over which it presides. The state supreme court is the final arbiter on those issues. On questions of Federal and constitutional law, the Supreme Court of the United States holds more authority.

How is the Supreme Court of pa more powerful than the us Supreme Court?

It is not. The US supreme court is the place where judicial maters are ultimately decided in the US and its decisions are binding on all other courts. This is enshrined in the US constitution. However the Supreme court will not necessarily consent here all cases refereed to it, it deals with constitutional issues.

Was the abolition of slavery a US Supreme Court decision?

No. Slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in a joint effort between Congress and the states that ratified the amendment. A constitutional amendment is more powerful than a US Supreme Court decision, because it is not subject to change by the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court Justices are the most powerful people in your government?

that's a statement, but no they are not. The president has much more consolidated power in one person.

Why was the supreme court built?

The supreme court was built to take on more serious or global cases.

What was the result of Reagan's and Bush's appointment to the supreme court?

to make the supreme court more conservative

What was the result of reagans and bush's appointment to the supreme court?

to make the supreme court more conservative