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No. Slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in a joint effort between Congress and the states that ratified the amendment. A constitutional amendment is more powerful than a US Supreme Court decision, because it is not subject to change by the Supreme Court.

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Q: Was the abolition of slavery a US Supreme Court decision?
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Who was the subject of a supreme court decision on slavery?

Dred Scott

What decision was by the Supreme Court to end slavery?

The Supreme Court did not decide to end slavery. Slavery was formally abolished in the United States with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.

Why was the supreme court desicision such a disappointment to opponents of slavery?

Frederick Douglass however believed that the supreme court decision would actually hasten the end of slavery.

What Supreme Court decision in effect meant the Constitution protected slavery?

The decision on Dred Scott vs. Sanford was made by the US Supreme Court on March 6, 1857. For all practical purposes, the Court ruled that slavery was legal and that slaves were property.

What supreme court decision overturned efforts to limit the spread of slavery?

dred scott

What are facts about the Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court decision?

Which statement best describes the Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court decision?

What Supreme Court decision in effect meant that the Constitution protected slavery?

The decision on Dred Scott vs. Sanford was made by the US Supreme Court on March 6, 1857. For all practical purposes, the Court ruled that slavery was legal and that slaves were property.

Is a Supreme Court decision permanent?

In most cases a Supreme Court decision is permanent. The current Supreme Court can change the decision of a previous Supreme Court.

What was the importance of the supreme court decision?

The US Supreme Court was an important decision. Here are some facts about this: A. The Court confirmed that Dred Scott was not a citizen; B. The Court confirmed that slavery was not illegal; C. The Court confirmed that freed slaves were not citizens nor could they be; and D. It was a blow to the anti slavery abolitionist movement.

How did the nation respond to the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?

The Dred Scott decision by the US Supreme Court weakened the case for those Americans that believed slavery had to be abolished. It strengthened the belief, held mostly in the South, that slavery was Constitutional. The South was elated, and Northerners who opposed slavery were shocked.

Why did southern slavery supporters approve of the Dred Scott US Supreme Court's decision?

The Dred Scott decision by the US Supreme Court in 1857 confirmed what large scale slave owners in the south always believed. That was that slavery was legal under the US Constitution. The Court's decision was controversial, however, only a constitutional amendment could change that decision.

What was one of the findings of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision Slaves were citizens. Slaves were property. Slavery was illegal. Slavery was a choice each state could make.?

One of the findings of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott decision was that slaves were considered property, not citizens.