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The process for ratification in each state was approximately the same: the state legislature called a state ratifying convention to decide whether or not that state would ratify the proposed Constitution. Delegates were elected to the ratifying conventions, and ultimately each state ratified the Constitution, although North Carolina had to hold a second convention after the first refused to ratify. (State ratifications are listed on a red background.) In addition to documenting these processes, this timeline includes other important events, such as the progress of the newly formed government and the publication of significant documents relating to the ratification debates

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

3/4 of the states must accept it

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Q: How is the US Constitution to be ratified by the states?
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3 states ratified the U.S. Constitution before Georgia. They were Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

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Thae state you seek is Delaware.

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The 13th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified by a majority of states December 6, 1865.

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The US Constitution was ratified by the required 9 states of June 1788

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Which states signing ratified the constitution? Why don't you read the textbook? Probably because you can't.

How do you use ratified in a senntence?

"The states ratified the Constitution."

When was the US Constitution ratified.?

The Constitution was ratified by the required ninth state on June 21, 1788 with the new government scheduled to take office by March 4, 1789.The Constitution of the United States was adopted by the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787 and sent out to the states to be ratified.

When US Constitution was ratified?

The Constitution was ratified by the required ninth state on June 21, 1788 with the new government scheduled to take office by March 4, 1789.The Constitution of the United States was adopted by the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787 and sent out to the states to be ratified.

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The constitution was ratified by all the 13 states in 1790 .

What year was constitution ratified?

The US Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788.