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11.00 m (36 ft 1.07 in)

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Q: How long was a stuka?
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Related questions

Which is the best airplane?

German stuka German stuka

What does stuka stand for?

Stuka comes from the German word for dive bomber, Sturzkampfflugzeug.

How did the Junkers Ju 87 get the nickname 'Stuka'?

Stuka comes from the German word for dive bomber (Sturzkampfflugzeug).

How are the stuka sirens activated?

When a stuka dives the rush of air activates the sirens on each wing, which are part of the wing design

Where is the Stuka Military Museum in Oregon Illinois located?

The address of the Stuka Military Museum is: 3178 S Daysville Rd, Oregon, IL 61061

What type of aircraft is stuka?

Dive bomber

What is the meaning of stuka bomber with reference to kalki's storyThe tiger king?

stuka were german's military aircraft designed for dive bombing who never missed their aim

What are the strengths of a stuka?

None, they weren't developed until 1935.

When was the Stuka dive bomber invented?

1935; mass production began in 1936.

Who designed the German Stuka?

The Junkers Ju 87, commonly known as the Stuka, was designed by Hermann Pohlmann, chief designer at Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG. The Stuka was a dive bomber used by the German Luftwaffe during World War II, known for its distinctive inverted gull wings and screaming siren, or Jericho trumpet, that it emitted during dives.

What were the bomber planes called in World War 2 German?

The German's main bombers of WW2 were the Ju-87 Stuka, the Heinkel 111, the Dornier 215 and 217 and the Focke Wulf Condor.The German's main bombers of WW2 were the Ju-87 Stuka, the Heinkel 111, the Dornier 215 and 217 and the Focke Wulf Condor.

What makes the loud noise on stuka bombers?

When it dived to launch it's bomb, a small air powered siren came on.