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There have been 38 people elected to be President, which is to say all but five. Four of these five (John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson and Chester A. Arthur ) were elected as vice-president and were president only because the President died in office. The fifth, Gerald Ford, was appointed vice president and became President because Nixon resigned. (Four others, T. Roosevelt, Coolidge,Truman, and L. Johnson first became president because of the president's death, but were later elected to a second term on their own. )

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12y ago
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15y ago

----------------------------------------------------- James Monroe Senator, 1790-1794 President, 1817-1825 ----------------------------------------------------- John Quincy Adams Senator, 1803-1808 President, 1825-1829 ----------------------------------------------------- Andrew Jackson Senator, 1797-1798; 1823-1825 President, 1829-1837 ----------------------------------------------------- Martin Van Buren Senator, 1821-1828 President, 1837-1841 ----------------------------------------------------- William Henry Harrison Senator, 1825-1828 President, 1841 ----------------------------------------------------- John Tyler Senator, 1827-1836 President, 1841-1845 ----------------------------------------------------- Franklin Pierce Senator, 1837-1842 President, 1853-1857 ----------------------------------------------------- James Buchanan Senator, 1834-1845 President, 1857-1861 ----------------------------------------------------- Andrew Johnson Senator, 1857-1862; 1875 President, 1865-1869 ----------------------------------------------------- Benjamin Harrison Senator, 1881-1887 President, 1889-1893 ----------------------------------------------------- Warren G. Harding Senator, 1915-1921 President, 1921-1923 ----------------------------------------------------- Harry S. Truman Senator, 1935-1945 President, 1945-1953 ----------------------------------------------------- John F. Kennedy Senator, 1953-1960 President, 1961-1963 ----------------------------------------------------- Lyndon B. Johnson Senator, 1949-1961 President, 1963-1969 ----------------------------------------------------- Richard M. Nixon Senator, 1950-1953 President, 1969-1974 ----------------------------------------------------- Barack Obama Senator, 2005-2008 President, 2009-present

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12y ago

Obama (the current president) is the 44th president.

However, note that Gerald Ford was never elected to be president.

Further the 22nd and 24th US president were the same person.

So far to date (June 2012), a total of 38 different people have been elected President of the United States.

Another five people were U. S. President but never won a Presidential Election.

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14y ago

Sixteen US Senators have also served as the President of the United States. James Monroe was the first and Barack Obama is the most recent.

Seventeen US Presidents were former State Governors.

Fourteen US Presidents were former Vice Presidents.

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13y ago

We have had forty-four presidencies. However, only thirty-eight people have been elected to the office of president. John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson and Chester A. Arthur were vice presidents who became presidents after the death of their predecessors but were never elected as president themselves. Grover Cleveland was elected twice on non-consecutive occasions, and thus is counted twice in the list of presidencies. Gerald Ford became president after the resignation of Richard Nixon but was never elected as president.

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12y ago

16 of the first 43 people who served as U. S. President had been a U. S. Senator:

  • James Monroe (Virginia)
  • John Quincy Adams (Massachusetts)
  • Andrew Jackson (Tennessee)
  • Martin Van Buren (New York)
  • William Henry Harrison (Ohio)
  • John Tyler (Virginia)
  • Franklin Pierce (New Hampshire)
  • James Buchanan (Pennsylvania)
  • Andrew Johnson (Tennessee)
  • Benjamin Harrison (Indiana)
  • Warren G. Harding (Ohio)
  • Harry S Truman (Missouri)
  • John F. Kennedy (Massachusetts)
  • Lyndon B. Johnson (Texas)
  • Richard M. Nixon (California)
  • Barack Obama (Illinois)
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13y ago

Three examples were Warren Harding, John Kennedy, and Barack Obama.

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14y ago

two presidents were elected by the house of representatives their names were john Quincy Adams and Thomas Jefferson

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16y ago


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